Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Kenya's POV

Two days later, undisclosed location outside of Wickerby's city limits...

"I'm not liking this," I muttered as I paced around in the living area of the seedy motel that Robby and I were holed up in. "Weeks have passed since your cousin's death, Robby, and we've haven't made any kills yet. Not only that, my parents, Talia and her brood, Vion's uncle, and my ex's family have all but vanished off the grid. It's like they decided to up and leave all of a sudden."

"They could be under police surveillance," Robby said as he lounged on the bed, stripped down to his gym shorts and eating potato chips as if he didn't have a care in the world. "I mean, you and I have been hit on the Internet as of late and everyone's been watching us. We can't afford to make any rash decisions just yet."

"Yeah, but we can't afford to get sloppy or slack off either," I defended, turning to my partner-in-crime. "What if we-"

There was a small rustling from the door as I soon saw a blue letter being slid through the cracks. "What's that?"

Robby got up, gun in hand as the two of us headed for the door before swinging it open to find...nobody. "Where'd they go?" Robby asked, eyes lit up in paranoia.

I picked up the small envelope and tore open the seal. Inside was a stiff card that had fancy writing on it. "It's from those pretty boys," I intoned, glaring as I began to read.

You are cordially invited to the annual Stonehaven Pointe Winter Formal Ball.
A masquerade of wonders await you as you enjoy dinner, dancing, surprises, and magic beyond compare.
December 21, 20XX, 7pm. Formal attire with a themed mask is mandatory.
Present this invite to the guard upon arrival or you will be asked to leave.

"No," Robby said vehemently, shaking his head furiously. "We can't go there. It's a trap of some kind. They'll expect us to attend and they'll have the police on standby."

"Are you nuts?!" I exclaimed angrily, placing my hands on my hips. "This could be our one chance to not only deal with those preppy wannabes but also find my ex-boyfriend and his family alongside my victims, shoot them dead, and take out anyone else who stand in our way. This is our moment."

"Yeah, but we could be shot down if anyone finds out who we are," Robby shot back.

"This is a costumed party with masks and everything. I mean, no one will notice us if we're amongst the guests."

Robby sighed. "Look, Kenya," he began.

"No, you look. I took your chance to help me with my campaign to take down my haters and even killed your loser of a cousin for you," I cut him off, glaring him down. "You said that this is the moment where we can expose those pretty boys as part of some cult and everything. Are you going to back down when things are at our grasp or are you going to man up and finally show some balls?"

Robby sighed again, a sign of weakness. "You just don't know if we're-"


He crumpled to the side as I lowered my gun. Two gunshots to the head. "Sorry, Robby," I said nonchalantly. "I hate weak men and it looks like you were about to be a coward. Looks like I'll be going to the ball alone!"

Snickering with glee, I began packing my belongings while making a note to go incognito before hitting the road. I was going to be the epic femme-fatale to end them all when it's time for the ball in seven days. Plenty of time to come up with a firm plan to shut the shit down and ending my jailers' behinds.

As for Robby? Well, he made his choice. Sometimes, it takes a woman's touch to run the show.


Third-Person POV

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Mirrors of Westley Manor...

"Kenya Halliday shot and killed Robby Beckham," Tre'Von breathed as he demorphed from his Joneus persona and was now down to his red spandex briefs. "At least we know that she'll be the only one to attend the ball."

"Things just got real," Damon said as he and Quintarrus came into the teen's designated room, both boys down to their briefs as well. "We got a lot to get ready if we want to put Kenya away for good. She's the main threat who needs to be eliminated at all costs."

"Right," Quintarrus noted as he snapped his fingers and morphed into his Joneus persona. "I'll let Wickerby police know what went down before joining you guys to meet with Brian and his dad."

"Check," the others said as they watched the linebacker stepped through the mirrors.

Gentle readers, as we're approaching the end of this complex yet fantastic saga, one must wonder if Miss Halliday would be prepared for what was to come. Because as it's been often said, those who are worthy are those who can play the games of the Masquerade. And unfortunately for this certain femme-fatale, she was far from worthy.

And that's the tea and shade, folks! Boy, Robby's bitten the dust and Kenya's going to the ball alone without much preparations for her campaign of blood.

But coming up next, we're checking in with Vion and his uncle as they talk about what's happened so far, what might happen if things go wrong and...well, there's going to be some steamy and incestuous goodness at play. Stay tuned!


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