Chapter Twenty-Four: Homecomings, Reunions, and Interviews

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Vion's POV

"Thank the Lord that you're all right, kid! I'm surprised that you recovered all in one week after that shooting Erdogan pulled against you. Halliday was dead wrong to have you assassinated because she got jealous."

"Everyone was praying for you like crazy, man- even me! Westley and his dad were pure saints for making sure that you got the best of care. And since you're going to be a part of those John Dandy guys, it's all the more reason to be seen as a celebrity!"

"My heart stopped when I got the news, Copeland! Why you got stuck with such a heartless young woman as a godsister who wanted you dead is something I don't want to even know. But I'm glad she'll be growing old in prison where her only chance of escaping is in a coffin."

Those were some of the statements made by students and teachers upon my return to Trotter's Ridge High after a quiet weekend spent with Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie. And everyone who had heard about the near-fatal shooting that had me out for a week (thankfully, Fall Break was held when I was in recovery) was glad to see me back in full swing. "Thank God that you're okay, Copeland," Quintarrus said as I greeted him and the others (sans Chasity since she was out with a nasty cold bug) in the commons area. "Everyone was spooked out when the shooting took place two weeks ago. Our football team had to defer Friday's game to Saturday against Luckett Prep, and even they heard about you."

"Well, I'm just glad that this is all over and I can move on with my life," I replied, accepting a muffin from Felicity. "I'm also glad that Kenya's now in prison where she belongs. Honestly, I don't feel anything for her anymore. I'm just simply done with her and all she stood for- her toxic manipulation, her arrogance, her threats. It's too much for me to deal with and I'm glad that her family and everyone else who warned her of her downfall cut ties with her."

"Amen to that," I heard a familiar voice.

I whirled around to see the smiling face of the stocky yet athletic form of one well-dressed De'Andre Thompson with his grandparents at his side. "De'Andre! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, giging him a bear hug. "It's not that I'm glad to see you or anything, but I never expected-"

"Well, my folks and I learned that Kenya was ready to shoot you down and bring you back home, prompting me to break things off with her since she became too much for me," De'Andre explained. "And when I llearned that she had you assassinated, I knew that I had to get my statement in to the DA while I had the chance while my family and I were getting everything packed up. I got registered for classes here at Trotter's Ridge and I ended up meeting your friends here. And now, here I am ready to start fresh and begin anew with my junior year here."

"De'Andre also met those fine John Dandy Boys," his grandmother Lottie Mae (a motherly older woman who was a former florist) commented. "And he's been also invited to join as well, though the former invite will be made later this week."

"Or maybe earlier than that," Quez commented, pointing to the direction where I saw Brian and his dad walk towards us with Fordham and Talbot following behind them. "And how can we help you all?"

"Vion, your friend De'Andre is quite a young man with a nice backstory," Mr. Westley said after we exchanged hellos. "And since he's also looking forward to start anew here, my son and I couldn't help but agree that he'll be a perfect fit to join the John Dandy Boys Club as well. Speaking of which, the reception has been moved to this weekend, and thankfully there will be no more shootings since Halliday is now in prison for life."

"Thank God for that," Damon said. To me, "No offense, Vion, but Kenya is something that my parents wouldn't allow me to go near if she was here. I'd run away screaming."

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