Chapter Twenty-Two: Home

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"Thank God that you're alive," a teary-eyed Aunt Mona said for what was the umpteenth time since I came out of a one-week coma. "My heart wouldn't be able to take it if you died on me. I already lost my sister, Vion. I can't afford to lose you too."

"Me neither," Uncle Donnie agreed as the doctor- a dark-skinned older woman with a serious dispostion- came into the room. "Your aunt and I see you as our only son since you know she and I can't have kids."

I nodded, sitting up slightly while taking care of the IV drip that was connected to my arm. "I'm sorry for scaring y'all like that, even if it was unintended," I replied. "Is that Erdogan girl-"

"She's dead too, but her funeral was held yesterday in private," Uncle Donnie commented. "Her parents were very much humiliated for what she did, not to mentioned livid at her working with Kenya to have you shot."

"Speaking of which, Miss Halliday was swiftly tried and convicted of murder in only a few days," Aunt Mona noted as she came to fix my pillows. "She's sentenced to two life sentences without parole and will be tried for more crimes in the days to come."

I nodded, turning my attention to the doctor. "And what's the verdict on me, ma'am?"

"You're very lucky, young man," the doctor in question intoned. "The bullet didn't hit any critical points, but you were facing a loss of blood at one point. Nothing but a transfusion and a medically-induced coma couldn't cure. But what surprised me the most are the recent findings."

That caught my attention. "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Copeland, I have never seen anything of this caliber," the doctor commented as she took off her glasses. "The last couple of days until now have been nothing short of a miracle. It seems that your body was completely healed of the gunshot wound and has your body totally back to a healthy status of a young man of your age and caliber. I was going to suggest some testing, but your benefactor- a Mr. Westley- advised against it."

At the mention of the name, Mr. Westley and his son Brian came into the hospital room with the latter holding an elegant bouquet of flowers that were in a glass vase. "Look who's wide awake and back in full speed," the teen commented as my aunt took the flowers. "Vion, man, you gave everyone in town quite a fright."

"Didn't mean to," I commented.

"But of course," Mr. Westley said. "Son, I assure you that Miss Kenya Halliday is now under the strictest lockdown back in Louisiana and I promise you that she'll not try anything again. But the matter of your initiation into the John Dandy Boys Club is still going forward. You'll be taken shopping next week before the initiation and beautillion will happen that weekend."

I nodded. "Thank you," I breathed.

"I can't see why he can't be released today," the doctor said. "He can be cleared for school and his regular activities the day after, but he's to take it slow."

To me, "You're a very lucky young man, sir. Don't ever let me see you in here unless it's drastically important."

"I don't intend to, ma'am. I think that being shot once is enough for me."


Two hours later, I was back in my bedroom and staring at myself in the mirror. I originally expected to see a gawky and rail-thin young man with a little muscle in the mirror, but I saw a more-stocky young man who had some muscle in the right places and even some traces of abs. My skin was unnaturally clear of any scarring and my eyes seemed more livelier. "Wow," I couldn't help but murmur to myself. "What the heck-"

My cell phone buzzed, Talia's number flashing across the screen as I grabbed it off my desk. "What's up, Talia?"

"Thank God that you're awake and back at your home," I heard her breathe in relief. "Look, my family and I are en-route to Suffolk Falls, Virginia, which is an hour away from where you are. But you're already aware of Kenya being sentenced to two life sentences, right?"

"Yeah," I said as I headed to my bed and plopped down. "I can't blame the judge for that."

"Who should? I mean, I almost lost a good friend who could've been dead if it wasn't for people who arrived on the scene. I'll never forgive Kenya for trying to have you killed, Vion. You're good people who are meant for great things and Kenya's jealousy and hyper-vigilance to make you her expendable chew-toy is something that doesn't agree with me at all. Believe me when I say that no one back in New Orleans will want anything to do with her, not even her followers who turned her back on her."

"Wow," I breathed.

"Yeah, Vion. Kenya Trenyce Halliday is the worst kind of human being who shouldn't have existed in the first place. No one will miss her now that she's in jail. De'Andre's moving to Stonehaven Pointe where you are, if not already there, and my aunt and uncle- Kenya's parents- are soon to arrive as early as the day after tomorrow. I'll be one hour away from you, so Kenya has no one left in Louisiana to visit her. From where I sit, she had her time of her tyranny. Now she's nothing more than a jailbird. Anyway, I just called to see how you're doing. I can't believe that you were out for a whole week."

I hummed as I laid down on the bed. "Yeah, but surprisingly enough I feel as healthy as ever. Listen, I better go, but you and I will have to talk. There's so much I want to say right now."

"I bet you do," Talia commented. "I better go myself since I'm at a rest area with Mom and Dad. But we'll chat as soon as I arrive. Love you, Vion."

"Love you, too."

We disconnected.

I huffed a deep breath, knowing that Kenya was finally locked behind bars for trying to have me killed. I know that I should be feeling pissed off at her, even afraid that she might try and escape if she knew that I'm not dead. But honestly? I didn't feel anything for her. I didn't even want to think about her any more than I already am. In my book, Kenya Halliday was getting her just desserts.

"Vion? We're home with Chinese," I heard Aunt Mona holler from downstairs. "Wash up and come downstairs."

"Okay," I said, my voice cracking a little. Weird, I thought, but decided that it was part of growing up as I changed into some sweatpants and a T-shirt before washing my hands in the bathroom.


Who would've thought that joining the all-male mentoring group could lead to being shot by the orders of one spiteful diva? And who would've thought that it was all because of some birthright that was destined to be mine?

Anyway, something tells me that the next few days leading to my initiation into the John Dandy Boys Club will be full of surprises- and the ones that will definitely be life-changing. Right now, I can't fully voice my opinions about what's going on in my head right now because it sounds so complex- and maybe even a bit ridiculous. I could be overthinking about this, or the questions that I want to ask are not the ones I should be asking out loud. But all I can do is prepare myself for what's to come. Believe me, what is coming my way will definitely have me changing everything about myself from head to toe. Thank goodness that I can see everyone at school on Monday. That way, I can keep my mind busy and prepare for the weekend. Wish me luck, amigo!

All right! Kenya's family has officially cut ties with her and are on their way to Virginia. And yes, folks, we will see De'Andre in the chapters to come alongside Talia and her family. But coming up next, we'll check in with the mystery group (you should know who they are, hint-hint) as they prepare to welcome Vion into the flock while the cheerleaders and dance-team members regroup. Plus, we might check in with De'Marquez Houlton and hear from him as well! Oh, how you're going to love this!

Dedication: Jessica_Cohen.


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