Chapter Thirty: Bridget and Quez, Teen Spies

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Third-Person POV

As soon as they heard the door shut, Bridget and Quez came out of their closet hiding places as the latter took out her phone and placed a kiss on Vion's lips and taking a small selfie before sending the picture to Tahira. "Initiation complete," she whispered as she got the congratulatory text. "And I'm an official Siren dancer."

"Congratulations, Humphries," Quez replied softly. "Now let's get the hell out of here before we're caught."

But before they could catch their breath, they heard footsteps before steathily ducking into one of the closets and shutting the door behind them. Bridget placed a finger to her lips to pantomime total silence before opening the closet door slighly.

"Looks like Vion's out like a total light," Mr. Westley's voice said ominously as more footsteps came inside the bedroom. "I think it's time for us to officially get the party started."

"Right," Brian's voice piped up. "His parents believed that this is the crucial moment for us to bestow his birthright to him and let him know who we really are."

Quez faced Bridget with a look of surprise in his eyes. "What do they mean by that?" he mouthed.

"Damned if I know?" she mouthed back.

"If it wasn't for the shooting, we would've gotten this done sooner," Mr. Westley replied. "Erdogan and Halliday screwed up this time, the latter more so with earning our wrath. If I wasn't generous back then, I'd make sure that she'd gotten the chair for trying to end Vion's life. I'd never forgiven myself if we were too late."

"But we weren't and we saved his life," Brian reminded the older man. "With Halliday now in prison for life, we're free to begin the transformation process for Vion. The others are getting everything prepared with Donovan and the Thompson duo."

"Excellent. As soon as the servants collect their pay for this week, you're to see them out for the day and make sure that they to come back tomorrow morning. Then, once the last help leaves, join us in the basement with the others."

"Right, sir."

"Good lad. Remember our motto: brotherhood, youth, and masculinity."

Quez and Bridget heard footsteps and grunts before waiting until the door was closed. As soon as the coast was clear, they left the closet and saw that Vion was gone. "What the heck?!" Bridget whisper-hissed, eyes wide with shock. "What's going on here, Houlton?"

"I dunno, but something is definitely up," he replied lowly. "Humphries, I don't know about you, but I can't leave just yet, not until I  get the truth about these guys. There's more than what meets the eye and Vion and the others are in the thick of it! If you want out, then you're free to go. If you want to stick around, then know that what you and I might see will be kept to ourselves. What's your choice?"

"Fuck it, Houlton, I'm in with you," Bridget replied, checking the time on her phone. "It's almost six in the evening and I have curfew at ten, gives me more time to play 'I Spy' with you."

Quez nodded. "So we're agreed," he said as he headed towards the door. "Time to play."

"Wait," Bridget said, heading to her original closet spot to grab some hooded robes. "We can wear these to avoid being detected."

They put the robes on and covered their heads with the hoods before opening the door and walking out. Sure enough, there were hooded figures wearing the same robe that left more mystery and less identity. "Be careful, Houlton," Bridget whispered as they followed the figures down the hallway. "Something tells me that there's going to be a lot of revelations to be made. Look sharp yet act normal."


Gentle reader, what you're about to read in the next several chapters will reveal the true purpose of the all-male social organization. And what Bay'Vion Copeland, Donovan Booker, and the Thompson duo will discover about their true destinies will be the best-kept secrets known to mankind.

Now, do you dare yourselves to continue reading? If not, then I- the narrator- strongly recommend finding some lighter fare. Because the following will not be suitable for the faint-hearted, the cynic-minded, the conservative, or the innocent youths. Reader discretion is strongly advised!

Are you sure you're ready for what's ahead?

Okay, let's go!

Don't even think about getting comfortable just yet, folks! You'll know what's going down with Vion's transformation and the REAL purpose of the John Dandy Boys Club in the next chapter! I know you're going to dig this!

Dedication: ElMons3 and ElaineWhite.


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