Chapter Eight: Grand Debut and Meeting the John Dandy Boys Club

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The weekend came and went swiftly and it was now Monday as I was getting dressed in a simple outfit of pastels, my nerves slightly on high alert with the air of anticipation in the air for my grand debut at Trotter's Ridge High School. With me being far away from Kenya Halliday and her circle of fellow naysaying hags, I needed to make a proper first impression with everyone. And after the preliminary debut while I was registering for classes, all I needed right now was some good vibes.

"Vion?" I heard Aunt Mona from downstairs. "Are you almost ready? We need to be at the school before everyone else so Fordham and Talbot can talk with you."

Sliding on my sneakers, I took one final appearance in the mirror and smiled. "Ready when you are, auntie," I hollered, grabbing my backpack and leaving my room. Once I reached downstairs, Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie were already dressed for the day and both of them smiled at me. "I guess this is, you guys. I'll be making my grand debut at Trotter's Ridge High School. I never thought that I could actually have a fresh start after dealing with Kenya."

"Well, you're here and she's not," my uncle pointed out. "This is your moment, Vion. So take it in stride and remember that you're here for a second chance. Don't let yourself hide back in your shell and don't forget where you stand. And above all, govern yourself accordingly."

I nodded as I followed the adults outside before joining Aunt Mona in her sedan.

Fifteen minutes later, I was back in the main office of Trotter's Ridge High as various staff members were hurrying around with getting things ready for the first day of school. Fordham and Talbot both greeted me with a cup of coffee and a freshly-baked muffin from the grandmotherly receptionist named Mrs. Crawford. "I take it that you're now ready for your first day here at Trotter's Ridge?" Mr. Talbot asked me, smiling widely.

"After a chat with a good friend named Talia- who's Kenya's cousin, I told myself that I only needed to focus on the greatness of the present and not let Kenya try and sabotage my journey," I replied. "This is the beginning of the next chapter of my life and I want to embrace the opportunity while being responsible and focusing on my grades."

"That's all we ask of you," Fordham answered as we saw Felicity. "And Felicity over here will make sure that you are familiar with everything and make sure that you don't get lost here."

The cheerleader in question nodded eagerly. "You're going to have a great debut, Yorkie," she chirped just as the first wave of students started to arrive. "The others should be here in a few moments, but I want to make sure that you know everything and that you're getting settled in here."

"Then let's get on it," I told her.

After I stopped by my locker and made some rounds with the already-arrived students and teachers, it was time for homeroom with Mr. Candler. I was grateful that Damon, Charity, Quez, and even Tahira were there as well. The preliminary homeroom objectives went by quickly and it was time to introduce myself. "Hello, everyone," I said as I took to the front of the classroom. "My name's Bay'Vion Copeland, but feel free to call me 'Vion' for short. I'm originally from New Orleans and I'm...well, I'm here to make a fresh start and find a new challenge."

Tahira stood up. "On behalf of everyone here, I'd like to officially welcome you to Trotter's Ridge High," she said proudly. She gave me a knowing wink as Damon led the applause.

"Welcome," everyone chorus.

And just like that, my junior year began.


The first three classes of the day flew by and I was an instant celebrity as Felicity and the gang introduced me to various members and taught me the social cliques. I learned that there were some groups to have little contact with (the heavy-metal fan club did cause a few headaches, but their president was cool as he was the mayor's son) and some to make nice with immediately to gain good social standing (the Pep Club was already planning a fundraiser for the first home football game of the season, which I was instantly invited to thanks to Quntarrus and Damon). And all the while, I was given various invites to weekend parties, after-school outings to Slade's and other teen-appropriate hotspots, and even invites to join a few clubs.

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