Chapter Thirty-Eight: Revelations and Resolutions, Pt. One

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Vion's POV

At the Westley Manor (Joneus House)...

"No fucking way."

"I'm shooketh right now."

"This completely changes everything. I knew that these guys are enigmatic and all, but this takes the cake and then some."

Those were some of the comments made as De'Andre, his dad, Uncle Donnie, and I revealed to our friends and their families about the Sons of Joneus as well as showing them our Joneus personas. Needless to say, the reactions were full of surprise, confusion, and amazement. And thankfully, there wasn't any dissensions or negative responses that might make me reconsider who my true friends were.

"This is huge news," Aunt Mona commented after the maids handed her a cup of jasmine tea. To Mr. Westley, "And you mean to say that my late sister and brother-in-law were working with you guys for the longest, even before Vion was born."

"That's right," the man replied, nodding his head. "Angelica and Antonio were good friends of mine back in school, even when my family inducted me into the world of the Joneus Nexus. They were the charter members of the Guardians, the ones who helped keep what we do under wraps and out of the public eye."

"It's little wonder that Kenya thought that you and those boys were part of some cult that she wanted Vion to not be a part of," Mrs. Thompson commented. "That, and her reasons why she wanted him to think less of himself while she made him feel worthless: you Joneus folk see something in him that she doesn't."

"Exactly," Brian said. "But the main reason is that Dad believes that Antonio and Angelica's car accident that claimed their lives alongside their unborn child was no accident at all, but rather-"

"An assassination plot to make sure that Vion doesn't know of his true heritage," Felicity finished. "She wanted him to not know about you guys by taking away all connections to his birthright while making him into her perfect expendable chew toy- only good for serving her until the time came to have him out of the picture."

"And who could say that it might've stopped once she got what she wanted?" Quintarrus piped up, his grandmother nodding in assent. "I mean, there are other kids of Vion's caliber who are teased and bullied into being in the background, perfect candidates that are ripe for the picking as Halliday would make them hate themselves and make them her slaves until she grew tired of them and did away with them while getting away with it."

"That's just wrong," Tahira spat, eyes narrowed in silts. "I bet Talbot and Fordham wouldn't have approved of this."

"They wouldn't have, even with them being Guardians themselves," Hector noted. "They, alongside the teachers and staff members of Trotter's Ridge High know who we are and allow us to handle our business."

"That explains everything," Damon, who remained quiet until now, said. "So, what does this involve us?"

"For the most part, you guys and your parents are going to be known as Guardians," I explained, "and not only that, you're to help make sure that I remain grounded and level-headed."

"That's what I thought," Felicity chirped, clapping her hands twice. "I was about to suggest that earlier before coming here since I know that you're going to need some allies to keep you on your toes and your head above water."

"Point well made, Miss Braun," Mr. Westley hummed, granting her a small smile before turning serious. "It might be best given that Miss Halliday has escaped from prison and is en-route to town."

"What?!" Aunt Mona and Mrs. Thompson shrilled angrily.

"That is unfortunately true," I admitted. "She thinks that I'm still dead, but wasn't too happy to learn that De'Andre and his dad are part of the team." So she plans to not only make sure that I'm dead but also take out everyone who went against her."

"But y'all can't be killed," De'Andre's grandma commented.

"That doesn't mean that you or the others can't be, ma'am," Brian intoned. "Knowing Miss Halliday, she'll take you and the others out within moments of you in her sight. To her, it's all about cleansing and wanting all those who went against her out of her picture if it means being sent to death row. But to us and the other Sons of Joneus, it's all about going against what is meant to be. She wants to be the lone diva in a sea of nobodies who will live it up while no one else can."

"So with all that coming into the future, it'll be time to play the most dangerous game of masquerade in order to finally live the life that De'Andre, his Dad, Uncle Donnie, and I were meant to have," I said. "I know that with this birthright that I now have means more responsibilities to tend to while taking opportunities to explore new worlds while discovering my true passions. Kenya won't understand because she sees things in black and white when everything is in high-definition Technicolor. If I had stayed in New Orleans, I wouldn't be here and neither would De'Andre since she would grow tired of him and do away with him to find someone better. He and I suffered because of her wiles. And now, it's time to show her that those who aren't worthy can never decode the Joneus Nexus. It's time for me to show her that she can't own me anymore."

Aunt Mona smiled. "Then you can count me in to help you as a Guardian," she said.

"Same here," Felicity said, she and her pediatrics mom and cancer-specialist of a dad joining Aunt Mona for a hug. "I knew that you were special the moment I met you, Copeland. That'll never change."

"Ditto for me and Chasity, and I know she'll want in once she's back in full health," Damon said as he and his parents joined in.

Quintarrus and his grandparents and parents: "Same here."

Tahira and her aunt and mom: "We're down with that."

De'Andre's mother and grandparents: "All the way down to the end of the line."

A middle-aged butler came into the room just as we returned to our seats. "Master Westley, the Houltons and the Humphries are here," he said. "They're waiting for you in the blue parlor room."

"Very well," Mr. Westley said. To the others, "Quez and Miss Humphries will have a different role to play, but they too will become guardians as they learn what was said."

"I bet they do," Tahira commented. "I wouldn't be surprised if Quez would do anything to ensure that what he'll know will be kept out of the public eye."

"Well, Miss Givens, Mr. Houlton is the start reporter for the Daily Siren and his personal blog is a success. But maybe his skills will be of better use for our cause," Uncle Donnie commented.

"How's that?"

He smiled at her. "A little faith can do wonders, a little faith."

Don't get too comfortable just yet, folks! It's time for the Houlton-Humphries clans to learn the tea while Quez and Bridget make plans to become Keepers of the Keys.

Dedication: SkeneKidz and SweetnessInTheSalt.


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