Chapter Five: Outside Looking In and Girl In Deep Trouble

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My eyes fluttered open to see the relieved faces of Talbot, Fordham, Charity, Damon, Quez, and my aunt and uncle- all of hem hovering over me as I started to sit up on the small cot. "Ah, hell," I muttered, stretching my legs before sitting up to see that I was in the nurse's office of the school.

"Thank God that you're okay," Aunt Mona breathed, a few tear stains on her face as she gave me a hug. "What happened?"

"Miss Halliday happened, Ms. Booker," Quez piped up crisply, crossing his arms. "The others and I were there to see him being nagged and bossed around into going back to New Orleans, back to that witch. Vion finally had enough and told her that he wasn't going back to her and wanted her to leave him alone. That's when the panic attack came in and...well, here we are."

"When will that girl leave my nephew alone?" Uncle Donnie groused, anger flashing in his eyes. "And how the hell did she get his new number?"

"Damned if I know," I muttered as Felicity and the rest of her friends came in. "But this is the start of her campaign of bullying me back to being her mouse of a slave. Maybe it's best that I did go back and-"

"Not a chance in hell!" Fordham spat, crossing her arms. "Mr. Copeland, from what I can already know so far, Miss Halliday is never going to allow you to be anything more than her chew toy even if you did go back to her and accept a fate of mediocrity. Kids like her like to make kids like you feel worthless and would do anything to make sure that the elites get all the glory and everyone else has to either fight for survival or suffer in silence. And that's what she wants you to do- suffer in silence as it's a bully's best protection."

"Agreed," Talbot commented, giving me a hard stare. "And who knows if you would even survive if you did go back there. You said it yourself, Mr. Copeland. Miss Halliday will only use and abuse you until she saw fit to have you exterminated and tossed somewhere in a shallow grave. You coming here to our town is a sign that you need to break free from her. Don't let Miss Halliday win before the war even begins, son. Learn to start being more assertive. Cut her loose and live your life."

I sighed, knowing that everyone was right. "What about Kenya?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry about that, Copeland," Felicity said fiercely. "Tahira here made the call to Mr. Halliday and he said that Kenya will be dealt with swiftly. And someone named Talia said that she'll call you later on. But they're right, Vion. You coming here was what you needed for your life. Don't let that bratty bitch take your shine away."

Taking a deep breath, I sat up and stood on my feet. "Well, then. I guess we can go ahead with the rest of the tour," I replied. "I'm staying."

Everyone cheered, Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie nodding in support. "You're going to do just fine, Vion," the latter said. "I believe that you're going to fit in here in this school and Stonehaven Pointe.

I believed him. I just hoped that Kenya wasn't planning on coming here and doing something drastic.


Kenya's POV

Back in New Orleans...

"Have you lost your goddamned mind, young lady?!"

I rolled my eyes at my now-livid parents as they, Talia, and my aunt and uncle were giving me the fiftieth degree for calling up Vion and demanding that he come back to me. Needless to say, they were pissed off at me for doing it as much as I was at Vion for defying me. "I just wanted my little toy back," I replied nonchalantly. "And Vion had to go all macho on me, saying that I was being a pure bitch from hell for harassing him."

"That's because you are!" Dad said, eyes narrowed in silts. "And how the hell did you get his phone number? Didn't Talia give him a new one?"

"She did," I replied, smirking, "but I have my ways of getting what I needed to contact Vion and get him home."

"But he wasn't happy here, you know that," Talia retorted, corssing her arms. "Everyone knows that you only want him around to be your slave. He needed a way out of here and he wasn't going to get it by staying with you."

"Like that's a bad thing." I scoffed, pacing around in my room. "I can't just let him walk away from me, let him leave this town like he wants to. He has parties to throw for me, homework and test to cover for me, his ego needing to be broken down. He should be worshipping me like the goddess that I am- kissing my ass and wiping it right, not leaving me to do things for myself! He should be here. And I'm not going to let this go."

Mom hissed out a slow breath. "And what are you going to do about it?"

"Simple. I'm planning to continue harassing Vion until he gets the message and comes back here so he can grovel at my feet. And if that doesn't work, I'll go to Virginia myself, drag him back here, and put him down like a ratty runt of the litter that he was."


I reeled from Mom's backhand, stumbling onto the bed just as Dad confiscated my phone while everyone else looked on. "As of right now, you are on lockdown," Mom hissed as she grabbed the keys to my Benz convertible. "No car, no parties, no weekends with your lackeys, no cellphone, no computer- nothing! Until you fully decide to let go of Vion and let him live his life, you will be on full watch. You'll be expected to come straight home from school and help out around the house. And you WILL leave Bay'Vion Copeland alone or else you will be thrown out of this house with only the clothes on your back!"

"You can't do that!" I exclaimed, my fury on the rise.

"We can and we have," Dad said, his lawyer persona on full display. "And I'll be speaking as Vion's attorney, so listen well. Kenya Trenyce Halliday, you will cease all forms of contact with Bay'Vion Copeland effective immediately. You are to not make any plans to retrieve him or make any plans to contact him through any of your friends. Any of the rules that are broken will be met with a severe punishment as such from the New Orleans Police Department. A formal restraining order will be issued to you in the days to come, but this is effective immediately. If you even think about defying me or your mother, then you better have a game plan for your future without all the credit cards and bank accounts that are in my possession."

"This isn't over," I seethed as everyone took their leave. "If I can't have Vion, no one can! I rather see him in an unmarked grave before I see him with some other posers. Vion Copeland is mine! M-I-N-E! MINE!!!!"

"Keep telling yourself that," Talia said calmly before being the last one to leave. "Just remember your dad's words. And don't expect me to play messenger for you. Unlike you, I was a good friend to him."

I threw one of my heels at the now-closing door before screaming angrily.

Bay'Vion Copeland wasn't going to come to me by choice? That's fine. I was going to make my own plans- family threats be damned.


Third-Person POV

As Talia headed out to the front porch, she knew what she had to do. Reaching for her purse, she grabbed her phone and dialed a number. "Hello? It's Talia," she said after a few minutes. "Listen, he's in town but my cousin Kenya isn't happy that he left her. Of course, she's just being jealous, but I think that she'll plan something to keep him away from his birthright. Please make sure that your leader knows about him and keep watch over Vion. I'll keep my watch on Kenya as will my parents and hers. Just know that the time has come for Vion to embrace his true lineage as part of your society. Very well. I'll keep you posted.  Thank you and goodbye."

She hung up her phone just as her aunt was calling her inside for lunch. "The time has come," she intoned to herself before hustling inside. "No going back now."

Gentle reader, if this sounds like a plot cannon in the form of something ominous about Vion's future, then it is. But don't worry. All will be revealed in due time.

And that's the truth! But don't think that Kenya's not going to back down from her plans! She's hyped up on ambitions and pure arrogance with a taste of blood in her mouth.

But coming up next, a mystery group has their eyes set on Vion and they have BIG plans for him. Who are they, you ask? Again, you guys, it's all in good time.

Dedication: KellyBlack_20.


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