Chapter Thirty-Three: Primetime Passions (Mature! Reader Discretion is Advised)

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"He's right, you know?"

I look up to see a contemplative De'Andre, him looking so powerful and masculine as he wore his knee-length silk bathrobe. He sat next to me on the bed and faced me with a serious look. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Vion, the time that I know you, whether I remember you when we're in Louisiana or here in Virginia, was when I saw and believed that you were meant to become more than what Kenya wanted," he said, his tone brooking no argument. "Kenya only saw you as dead weight, an expendable liability who is worth more to her dead than alive. She tore you down to build her esteem up for the sake of doing 'what's best for you.' I'd never forgiven myself if you had stayed in New Orleans to please her only to be killed before you started junior year. My family and everyone back in the Ward thought that you deserved better than being her party-planner, homework curator, maid, and pack mule. We all knew that you were hurting, Vion, but could only do so much to make things better for you before Kenya would take it all away for herself."

I closed my eyes and recalled some of the memories from being Kenya's whipping boy: throwing her house parties in her honor that would last until the late night hours, fetching her junk food from the 24-hour convenience stores even when I was in bed, cleaning up her room only for her to mess it up and ordering me to clean it again and again, and having to do what she wanted and talked about she wanted to talk about.

You're only as useful as I allow it, Vion. After I get tired of you, it'll be easy to get rid of you.

If I can't have you, then no one can. You only me as your one and only friend, Vion. No one else will want a runt like you because I'm the only one who can put up with you.

I can't allow you to be friends with anyone that's not worth my time, Vion. I rather see you dead than with someone else.

I took a deep breath, every word feeling more and more like a fading memory.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. "With us being Sons of Joneus, I guess we can only move forward with the past."

De'Andre nodded, smiling thinly. "Honestly, I think we should take this slowly and gradually," he replied. "And I gotta be real, man. I did have some feelings for you, but knew that I couldn't act on them since Kenya would make things rough for you. But now that she's out of the picture and we're now fighting for the LGBTQ community, I guess now is as good as ever to do something that I've been dreaming about doing."

And without warning or hesitation, I felt his lips crash upon mine with a hesitant kiss. It surprisingly felt right the way that he kissed me with such fervent yet gentle urgency as I tasted peppermint-flavored toothpaste. I returned the kiss as he and I stripped out of our robes, leaving us in our tight briefs. "De'Andre," I breathed as we broke apart and stood up to our feet. "Are you sure that-"

"I'm dead sure," he cut me off, pulling me closer to him as we resumed making out, taking things slow as we caressed each other's bodies, electricity cracking and filling the air with wanton desires as our cocks rubbed against each other.

"Vion, I can't wait anymore," De'Andre breathed as he reached into my briefs and started caressing my semi-erect cock that went rock-hard by his touch. "I want you. I want you right here and right now."

"Take me, De'Andre," I panted as I caressed his ass cheeks that were perfectly formed like globes. "Make me yours."

"As you wish."

We dropped our underwear, revealing our hardened cocks before De'Andre led me to my bed. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out two condoms for each of us. We sheathed ourselves before De'Andre pulled out a bottle of lube. "I didn't know why they placed this in there, but it's all the reason for us to enjoy this moment," he grunted as he gently turned me over on my stomach. "And baby boy, I want us to savor this moment together since we're both virgins. Don't worry. I'll be very gentle."

Folks, you'll have to use your imagination because I dare not kiss and tell about what De'Andre and I enjoyed for the next two hours. But I will say to you that we did have a good time in bed before brunch.

Sorry, Kenya.

Like Vion said, folks, you'll have to use your imagination for what went down with him and De'Andre's first time in bed. This writer doesn't like to kiss and tell too much. But don't worry, you'll get the full smutty goodness in the future.

Anyway, the next chapter features Talia settling in Suffolk Falls before she gets some disturbing news about one Kenya Halliday. Speaking of which, Kenya's making plans of her own as she learns the news of what really went down! Oh, my! I told you that we haven't heard the last of her just yet!

Dedication: Kandyapple and Sam_le_fou. Song: "I Wanna" by the All American Rejects.


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