Chapter Forty-Three: The Birth of the Star of Bavier

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The Green Rose Motel and Apartments, later that evening...

Nathan Bavier thought he could handle anything regarding a good and scandalous story that's full of drama, excitement, and even the absurd. He thrived on it since he dreamed of being a tabloid reporter for The Sun or The Daily Mail in New York City one day.

But after a two-hour conversation with Kandi Holloway (not to mention finishing his homework assignments, doing his household chores, and having a light dinner at his house beforehand) about her true identity as Kenya Halliday, her ties with the later Bay'Vion Copeland and her mission to bully him as requested by their late grandparents, and even escaping from prison to seek revenge on those who put her away as well as exterminate her ex-boyfriend De'Andre Thompson and his family; he was feeling more and more intrigued if not perplexed on how the young woman's story came to be as well as her mission to expose the John Dandy Boys and Men's Clubs and ruin them. "This is something right out of a bad sci-fi and soap opera storyline," he mused as he polished off his soda, he sitting down with Kenya in the dining area of her cozy apartment hotel. "And yet, it's all so real."

"Trust me, Bavier, it's more real than you can ever imagine," Kenya commented as she bit into a cookie (compliments of her guest, he bringing a box of them from the bakery downtown. "And it's my mission to get rid of anyone and everyone who all but wanted me executed for killing off my so-called god-brother because he chose not to obey me and stay in Louisiana."

"No one knows that you're here in Virginia, right?"

"If they do, then word must not be spreading around quick enough. That, or they know that I'm a dangerous woman who's willing to kill anyone who got in my way," she replied, giving him a pointed look. "Anyway, Bavier, I'm telling you all of this because I think that you're a trustworthy ally for what I got planned and I want to make a little proposition, one that I'm hoping that you'll never refuse."

Nathan sat up straight in his chair. "As I said early on, Miss Halliday, it all depends on what you're offering. I may have known your life story by now and what you're standing for, but I still have my doubts."

"All understandable, but I can tell that you're a man of ambitions and high goals into wanting to break into society's high walls, right?"

Nathan nodded. "I've always admired the fast-lane life and wanted to live something similar to that from Beverly Hills 90210, Degrassi, or even The Hills," he commented. "That, and I wanted to dive into the dark side of the glitz and glamour and expose the underbelly for what it is. And this may come as a surprise, but I have a cousin named Robby Beckham who came here before I did and he wanted to expose those John Dandy guys as he thought that they belonged to some cult of some kind like you believe they are. Needless to say, he went too far with his pranks and everything and had his sister and parents humiliated as he was sent to military school. Last time I heard, Aunt Denise and Uncle Phil signed some army contract for him to be enlisted and he's being shipped out soon. So I guess you can say that it falls on me to fulfill his plans to expose those enigmatic guys."

Kenya nodded. Ah, a young man with ambition AND a mission of his own, she thought to herself. Looks like I have found the perfect ally and possible patsy should things go south. "So tell me, Bavier, what do you think of being a blogger to get the dirt on this town?" she asked out loud.

"I'm all for it, if I can find something to expose everyone who seems to be acting too cool for me nowadays," Nathan replied dourly. "You'd think that they'd be open to newcomers by now."

"Only to those who are more...well, diverse in taking in the worthless peons and lower-ranked people on the totem pole," Kenya replied. "For you and me, we're mainly on the outs. Which is why you and I should work on our own lifestyle and personal blog- a website dedicated to shunning these people and slamming the John Dandy losers completely."

Nathan blinked twice. "I dunno about all of that," he said uneasily. "That could spell trouble if we're not careful. I mean, I haven't even met them yet despite being told that I wasn't good enough for them."

"All the more reason to let them know that you're not going to be denied any further and that you're a man of business. Come on, Bavier, they always act like they're royals or something. And since my boyfriend's now a part of them, you can lure him out while I work on ending his family completely."

Nathan looked unamused. "But what you're planning is total genocide," he commented.

"You say 'genocide' while I say 'rightful cleansing of the low-level losers,' Bavier. Besides, me ending Vion's life was all about gratis. He didn't deserve to know the dark side, so I did him a favor by ending his life. He'll thank me when I get to heaven and greet him face to face with his parents. Hell, he might even convince God to let me in heaven as a way of gratitude."

Nathan shook his head. "I can't believe this," he muttered. "If we're doing this, Miss Halliday, we have to think of a good plan to take the John Dandy guys down. But in regards of your plan to murder your parents, relatives, and even your ex-boyfriend and his family; that's going to be on your hands. I can't be a part of that."

"That's fine by me," Kenya nodded. "Leave the bloodshed to me while you'll compose the writing and the investigating. I want the both of us to get the weblog launched by tonight so all of your schoolmates and teachers can know who you are as a reporter."

Nathan nodded, grabbing his computer bag and taking out his tablet computer. "Then let's get to work," was all he said.

The Star of Bavier

Welcome to the New Age

It has come to my attention that the world of tabloid journalism is in need of fresh voices, ones that are willing to spread the truth and expose the dark secrets of what's going on in the world. And since my arrival into Stonehaven Pointe, Virginia; I knew that underneath the Southern charm of the cosmopolitan town lies scandals, secrets, lies, and even people who aren't as squeaky clean as they say they are.

I believe that it's my duty as a teen blogger to counteract what's been said and done by the high-rollers and socialites of this town, especially those who are known as the toasts of the town- namely, the John Dandy Boys and Men. I've yet to meet any of the all-male members yet, but something tells me that they all have some sort of cult following that blinds the innocents and keeps everyone from discovering the fraternal organization's hidden purposes. And it's up to me to make sure that I get the full details of them and expose them down to the nucleus.

All I can tell you, readers, is that it's best to keep your noses clean and clear before I have to do the work for you. Because I'm not one to be denied anything when it comes to seeking the truth. My name is Nathan Bavier. Let the games begin.

"Perfection," Kenya crooned as Nathan published the "Submit Now" button on the blog-making app on his tablet. "Make sure to create a full website and link it to all of social media so everyone will know who you are."

"Right," Nathan huffed as he did what he was told. Why do I have a strong feeling that my fall from grace is only the beginning?

Gentle readers, that was a question that would be answered in due time because the moment that his new website was launched and his blog reached the eyes and ears of all of his classmates and staff members of Trotter's Ridge High as well as those in other schools in the greater Stonehaven Pointe area and even the townspeople...was when he had sold his soul to the devil named Kenya Trenyce Halliday. And before he could ever know it, his chances of being on good terms with everyone would be all but diminished.

Child, the tea and shade that'll follow in the next chapter is going to get NASTY, especially when it comes to one Keeper of the Keys named De'Marquez Houlton as well as the John Dandy Boys and Men/Sons of Joneus and the Guardians. So prepare yourselves as things will definitely be poppin' and talks of passion are underway!

Dedication: jhpond. Song: "Dangerous" by Michael Jackson.


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