Chapter Eleven: Five Days with the John Dandy Boys

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Vion's POV

My mom would say that the moments leading up to a life-changing event always happen in threes.

Well, if only she was alive to see me deal with what had happened after spending Friday at a football game to support Damon and Quintarrus before using Saturday and Sunday to spend time with Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie (not to mention a bit of time with the gang and even at Quez's house for dinner with his aunt and uncle and grandparents). Because the events I undergone with the John Dandy Boys the following school week happened in five days- one for each day of the week. Bear with me because here we go!



"So, Vion, based on your questionnaire that you filled this past Friday, you're definitely meant to join the swim team, which is holding tryouts during the PE classes," Tahira commented as she, a fellow dance-team member named Ciara Monroe, and I were at the courtyard located at the car-rider port. "So make sure to check in with Coach Lindsay to sign up and get your swimsuit size. Also, your grades definitely got you in for the Honors Society as our Chem teacher Ms. Turner is the advisor."

"While we don't have a book club going on yet, it's a must that you at least join the literary magazine," Ciara added, pausing to sip on her cup of coffee. "I think you can add a few sports clubs to make sure to add some muscle to your bones. Maybe the tennis team or the track-and-field team when spring comes around."

I nodded, stifling a yawn just as more students began to arrive for the daily grind. "I'll get to signing up as soon as possible," I promised. "I want to hit the ground here at Trotter's Ridge and become a part of the school in any and every way possible."

"Great," Tahira chirped as we collected our things. "We'd better head inside and pick up a snack before Homeroom."

"Hector and I got that covered for Vion," I heard the smooth voice of Brian as he and his Hispanic companion approached us, the latter gifting me with a muffin from the local breakfast cafe alongside a bottle of orange juice. "And we'll accompany him to Homeroom."

Tahira smiled, motioning me to join the guys. "I'll see you there, Vion," she said as she and Ciara took their leave.

Hector smiled. "Looks like you're starting to get more and more involved in the social life, Vion," he commented as he and Brian led me inside, most of the students and teachers murmuring excitedly as we made the trek. "And in case you're wondering, Fordham and Talbot assigned us to be your escorts for the week."

I nodded, though I felt a bit confused. "Why?" I couldn't help but ask. "I mean, I should be familiar with everything around here and I already know where to go."

Brian smirked, his eyes twinkling under the LED lighting. "Let's just say that you could use some company who can...bring out the best in you," he replied cryptically. "And as I said to you before, you've been chosen for something greater for your life."

We left it at that as we arrived at Homeroom, the teacher stunned to see me with the John Dandy Boys before ushering me inside. "You lucky duck," one of the Goth kids commented. "Dude, I've been meaning to know more about them for the longest, yet I never caught their eye. How the fuck do you do it?"

I shurgged my shoulders. "It'll never last," was all I could say. "I'll be ignored soon enough."



The second encounter with them happened on my way to study hall with Quntarrus and Damon. We were a few steps away when we saw two more of the John Dandy men walk towards us. We nodded at each other before heading towards our various classes. That was all.

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