Chapter Thirty-Two: The Revelations of the Sons of Joneus

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Vion's POV

Dream Sequence

It was another school day as I was sitting down to lunch with my best friends and making merry while talking about midterms and the incoming Homecoming game when the PA came on in the lunchroom. "Vion Copeland, to the office please," the voice of the receptionist intoned. Bidding farewell to everyone, I made a beeline for the main office, saying hi to teachers and students on the way.

Two minutes later, I was soon at the office. "The Westley men want to see you," the receptionist commented, pointing to a conference room. "Go right in."

"Thank you," I replied, walking straight inside the conference room...where it was empty and dark save for a dim light. "Hello? Anyone in here? Mr. Westley? Brian?"

The door slammed shut, making my nerves jump before a dense fog soon filled the room and covered me head to toe. Suddenly, bright lights in various rainbow colors made things more chaotic and confusing. And then, I heard the voice of Mr. Westley intone gently. "Welcome to the brotherhood, Mr. Bay'Vion Copeland. Your past is history. The future remains a mystery. But the present is a gift. And it is now yours. With great powers come great responsibilities and opportunities. Welcome, Bay'Vion. Welcome to the Sons of Joneus."

The last thing I remembered seeing was a shadow of a young man who approached closer and closer until the darkness swallowed me whole...

I jolted awake, taking in the sounds of birdsong and the smells of breakfast. "What a weird dream," I muttered, my eyes still blurry from sleep. "What the heck was in that punch that made me sleep for the whole evening?"

I coughed slightly before rousing out of bed. Stumbling a bit, I soon felt a bit of power rushing through my veins as I turned on the shower to clear my head and wake up the body.

Fifteen minutes of a good shower later, I soon felt energized as I faced the bathroom mirror to wipe away the mist from the shower...before being startled by my reflection. I took in stock of my appearance, surprised to see myself as a muscular and mature version of myself as if I had aged ten years. "Whoa," I breathed. My body was built like Brian's and most of the guys here, but my skin was clear of any scars or birthmarks. From my defined abs and chests to my athlete-like arms and legs, I felt more and more...sensual in a way. I could definitely feel the difference between my legs with my prominent manhood waiting for a sexual release behind the towel that was wrapped around my waist.

But the biggest surprises that I took stock in was that I was now sporting deep-blue eyes and fangs. That's right, folks. I had fangs.

"What the hell is all of this?" I asked in disbelief. "And does Mr. Westley know about all this?"

I left the bathroom to grab some underwear from the dresser drawers, settling for some form-fitting green briefs. Just before I could reach into my luggage for a new outfit, there was a knock at the door. "Coming," I hollered, surprised at how my voice was deeper as I grabbed a silk bathrobe from the closet and putting it on before opening the door to see De'Andre and his dad alongside Uncle Donnie, all of them nearly clones of myself and all of us looking as if we belonged in college. "You guys, too?"

De'Andre nodded. "My dad and I are basically looking like brothers at this point, even though we're still father and son," he replied, his voice deeper than mine. "But the weirdest thing of all is that I have no more recollections of being in New Orleans, as if we've been living in Virginia for most of our lives."

"Same for me," Uncle Donnie commented, "But I only remember being friends with the Westleys for most of my life."

I closed my eyes, my mind racing and remembering little about my time in New Orleans. Much to my surprise, I don't remember much of anyone named Kenya but had small recollections of being friends with Talia and her family alongside being the godson of Mom's friends the Hallidays. Everything else seemed blurry other than me moving to Virginia and being close with everyone and being invited by Brian to join the John Dandy Boys Club.

"Vion," came the voice of Brian as he and his dad (in matching pajamas and bathrobes) came into the room. "How do you feel?"

"Like...I can't really say other than me being older and powerful," I replied. "What's going on, Brian?"

Mr. Westley stood forward before gesturing me to join him to sit on the bed. "I think that now is the time to tell you," he said formally. "Vion, you're more than human. You, your uncle, and the Thompson men, are part of the legions of men who are blessed to become part of the Sons of Joneus."

For the next two hours, I soon learned that the John Dandy Boys Club and the John Dandy Men's Club are really part of an all-male superhuman organization known as the Sons of Joneus, an organization of metahumans who fight crime without raising suspicion from the media while fighting homophobia/transphobia. What's more, the Sons of Joneus are protected by various governments around the world alongside chosen people known as Guardians to keep the all-male organization out of the public eye. As it turns out, my late parents as well as the Hallidays, Talia and her parents, and even others in Stonehaven (including the teachers and staff members at the schools, alongside a few students) knew of this from the start; my parents were working with them for the longest as Guardians and promised to have me a part of the superhuman organization.

"I can't believe this," I replied. "Why didn't tell me this beforehand? I mean, I deserved to know what was going on. I might not have wanted to believe it, but they could've at least tried to tell me."

"Your mom and dad knew that their late parents as well as Kenya's grandparents- all of them being extremists- would've done anything they could to keep you out of it," Brian rebutted. "And from what we know, I believe that Kenya was commissioned by both sets of your late grandparents as well as her late grandparents to make sure that you know nothing of what's going on and your birthright- your place here as a Son of Joneus. Not only that, Dad believes that the car crash that claimed your parents and unborn sibling's lives was orchestrated to take them out."

That was understandable, given that I vaguely remembered getting shot by someone named Sabrina Erdogan by Kenya's orders.

Uncle Donnie nodded in understanding, him coming to me and sitting at my right. "They're right, Vion," he said with his baritone voice youthful and strong. "If you had been in the car with your parents that fateful night when you were supposed to be throwing that house party for that girl, you wouldn't be here today. But now that you're here with me and the Thompsons as all of us are now Sons of Joneus; we all have a giant stake to claim. There's no telling what we can accomplish now that we've been given these gifts."

"Right," Mr. Westley said as he faced me. "As I've said, Vion, my son and I saw so much potential in you and noticed that you've suffered a lot for pleasing someone who didn't deserve your time. You spent a lifetime caged by her impossible standards and her controlling nature. Now you can be free. And with that freedom comes power, responsibilities, and opportunities. Time to embrace being a Son of Joneus and a John Dandy Boy, Vion. There's no telling what you can accomplish now that you're with us."

With that, he stood up as the older adults and Brian left the room while De'Andre and I were left to our thoughts. And boy, the two of us had a LOT to think!

So, folks, now you know the truth! The John Dandy Boys and Men are really known as the Sons of Joneus and they're superhuman with powerful abilities! Vion and De'Andre think about what's been said before they...well, this is where the sensual elements kick in, folks! Careful, though, as contents can be too hot for underage readers and the fainthearted! Reader discretion is strongly advised!

Dedication: Fhanth and Snape75.


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