Chapter Twenty-Eight: Intiation Weekend, Pt. One

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Vion's POV

JOHN DANDY BOYS CLUB Initiation Weekend, Day One.

"Whoa," I breathed as Uncle Donnie, De'Andre and his dad, and I took in the beautiful yet intimidating three-story ocean manor where Brian Westley and his school-superintendent of a dad took up residence. It was secluded from the rest of the town, yet was minutes away from downtown as it was surrounded by trees, a breathtaking and spacious lawn, and had an amazing view of the ocean with a secret passageway to the beach. "This is all so surreal."

"Merely a trifle," Mr. Westley said, giving me a small grin. "We've been around for quite a while and the Westleys have been here for quite a while."

"I bet y'all have," De'Andre said as the limo passed through the gateway and stopped in front of the main entranceway, all of the John Dandy Boys and Men waiting for us while various maids and servants arrived to pick up our luggage. Stifling a long yawn, I followed my uncle and the Thompson duo out of the limousine and ducked inside the manor. "Amazing," I breathed, taking in the sight of the spacious and glamorous foyer while being led by Hector (in pastel Perry Ellis) to the main living room that had the same opulent yet open feel as the rest of the place appeared to be. "It's like walking into Bruce Wayne's mansion."

Wyatt laughed as he, Tre'Von, and Jun joined us followed by my uncle and the Thompsons. "It can be a bit much to take in, but it's home for most of us when we're not at our actual homes," he replied cheekily before introducing me to his dad, a well-known car salesman.

"Lord have mercy," Uncle Donnie said as Mr. Westley came to his side. "You guys live like kings yet seem so well-grounded."

"We're only good stewards of what we own," Mr. Westley commented. "All earned by hard work, dedication, discipline, and purpose- one the many factors that make up a prominent John Dandy member."

"Mom, Pop-Pop, and Grandma won't believe this," De'Andre said, shaking his head yet keeping a bright smile on his face. "I'm definitely not in New Orleans anymore, and this isn't Kansas either."

"That's for sure," I replied.

Once everyone got settled inside, the Westley duo took to the center of the room as De'Andre and I faced them, my uncle on my left and Mr. Thompson on De'Andre's right, my right. "Gentlemen," Superintendent Westley announced as the crowd grew silent. "Today, we induct new members of the brotherhood: De'Andre Thompson and his father Adam, and Bay'Vion Copeland alongside his uncle Donovan Booker. You know of their stories from New Orleans and that they have been looking for a fresh start after dealing with Miss Halliday and her antics. Now that she's paying the price for her crimes, these young men and their father figures are ready to embrace a new chapter for their lives."

He turned his attention to the Thompsons, Uncle Donnie, and me. "Gentlemen, the four of you are well-respected and have been chosen for greater things," he intoned. "Since your arrival, Vion and De'Andre, you two have earned our favor and have not fallen out of it as you choose to use your gifts wisely and not take anything for granted while being what you're meant to be. As many have been called, few are chosen to be a part of us. Today, I ask you only one question: are you ready to be among brothers who dare to dream bigger and plan to be a part of a revolutionary society?"

De'Andre and I looked at each other briefly, knowing that this was not going to be asked again. "We are," we chorused in unison. "We are ready to join your brotherhood."

Brian smiled widely. "Are you ready to break free from the past and dive into the future of opportunities?" he asked.

"We are."

Mr. Westley asked the same questions to Uncle Donnie and Mr. Thompson, both of them answered boldly with the same affirmations. "Brothers, we fully welcome the Copeland/Booker men and the Thompson men into the flock," he proclaimed. "This weekend, they will be intitiated fully and embrace their destinies. Today, however, is a time to make merry. Welcome our newest members with open arms!"

The crowd of men cheered heartily as Hector came to me. "Welcome to the brotherhood, Vion," he said as Tre'Von and Jun did the same for De'Andre. "You will be a suitable member with lots of opportunities and responsibilities. I guarantee it."

"I believe it," I replied.


"This is your room for the weekend," Brian said as I was led inside a spacious and comfortable bedroom that had a certain contemporary charm. The walls were painted white and the bedding and carpet had the color schemes of a sunny beachside. The view from the bedside allowed me a look at the backyard with a small glimpse of the beach. "Take a moment to shower in the adjacent bathroom and change into one of the new outfits. Your old clothes will be thrown away by the maid."

"Thank you," I said as I hauled my luggage inside before Brian left me to myself. As soon as the door was closed, I inhaled deeply to calm my racing heart. "Wow. If only Mom and Dad could see me now. I bet Dad would be proud of me to be with guys who understand me. But I don't intend to mess up this weekend or from here on out. But before I do anything else, I need to shower and freshen up."

Unzipping my bag and pulling out my neatly-folded Tommy Hilfiger ensemble with some Sperry shoes, I stripped out of my old clothes and ducked inside the bathroom to wash up to get the grime off my body and wake up the mind.


Third-Person POV

As soon as she heard the bathroom door shut, Bridget silently opened her closet door and saw Vion's sneakers. Knowing that he was in the shower to freshen up, she took advantage to grab his sneakers before taking a selfie and placing them in her bag. Satisfied with her work, she sent her selfie to Tahira with a text. Phase two is complete, she texted.

Good work, Humphries, Tahira texted back. Make sure to sneak in a kiss to Vion when he is asleep before getting the hell out of there. With your curfew being at ten tonight, you'll need to finish this dare quick, fast, and in a hurry. But at the rate you're doing, you have a surefire place on the dance team. Be careful and avoid detection.

Right, Bridget texted before silently getting back into the closet and keeping out of sight. "Phase three will take a while, but I will steal a kiss from Copeland when he's asleep. After that, I'm out of here. Despite this place being beautiful, it gives me the creeps. The sooner that I finish, the sooner I can get home with no one being the wiser."


Meanwhile, in the second closet space...

Quez fought back a sneeze, making sure that he remained silent while Vion was in the shower. "Boy, oh boy. This place does look and feel too opulent and intimidating for my blood," he said to himself sotto-voce. "And this is a bad idea from the start. The sooner that it's close to bedtime, I'm getting the hell out of here."

He heard Vion getting out of the shower. Taking a chance, he looked through the door crack to see Vion fully naked and his body...more buffer than his usual sleeker self. "What the hell?" he mouthed as he watched Vion slip into some deep-blue briefs and admired his reflection in the mirror. "This is way over my head. I gotta get out of here."

Little did he know was that there was more than what met the eye. And his investigation wasn't for nothing after all.

Oh, my! This is only the beginning, ladies and gentlemen! Stay tuned for a nice concert and Vion having a bit too much fun before it's time for him to rest. And from there...well, you ain't ready for what's next!

Dedication: lilvampirequeen00. Song: "Cheap Thrills" by Sia ft. Sean Paul.


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