Chapter Forty-One: Masquerades and Meeting New Allies

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Vion's POV

Westley Manor, Beautillion Ball.

"Vion, these guys make me feel so small," breathed Quintarrus as he and Tahira (both dressed in Versace with the football co-captain in a dark-blue tuxedo and his girlfriend in a flowy cream gown) came to my side.

"How's that?" I asked, the all-black Tom Ford tuxedo hugging my athletic frame while I was joining the other John Dandy Boys for our presentation and walk.

Tahira rolled her eyes playfully. "He means that all of these Sons of Joneus are looking like they belong in some fitness magazines, you included alongside your uncle and even De'Andre and his daddy. I gotta say that I'm a little bit nervous myself."

I gave the teen couple a small smile. "It's a bit much to take in myself since I'm still new at this," I admitted, "but there's still time for me to adapt and everything."

"True," I heard Damon (in a white tuxedo by Topman) as he and Felicity (she in a fetching red ballgown by Reem Acra) joined the fray. "With you and these guys here immortal, you basically got all the time in the world. But you gotta remember to stay grounded and ahead of the game."

"Right," Felicity chirped, nodding earnestly, her curly blonde hair bouncing. "With Holloway- er, Halliday- soon to arrive and all, we gotta stick to the script and make sure that your cover for being dead as of this past Tuesday is solid. Thank goodness for having Westley make sure that everything is legit."

I nodded. "But there's still my aunt and De'Andre's mother and grandparents to worry about alongside the Newmans and her parents," I replied, my voice stern. "Kenya wanted everyone to suffer while she got to party hard like some college girl. She made my life hell in the past and wanted me dead so I couldn't inherit my birthright. But things have changed since I came here. I found my true self thanks to these guys and you all- even Quez and Chasity even though the latter's still recovering from the flu. And now that's Kenya's on her way here, she'll soon see that the games are not meant for her to take part in."

"Well said," Mr. Westley commented as he and Brian- both in matching Bill Blass blues- came to us. "After tonight, the masquerade games will be in full force as you, your uncle, and the Thompson father-son pair join the other Sons of Joneus while the Guardians make sure that our legacy stays out of the prying eyes of the ambitiously reckless and the extremists who want to discredit or best-kept secret. Kenya will never be ready for what we have for her. By the time she does arrive, all of Stonehaven Pointe will make sure that she'll be facing her end before she could even blink."

"Damn," Tahira whistled.

"Yeah," Brian hummed. "Miss Givens, you and the other Guardians will need to take your seats with the guests while the men prepare themselves for the presentations with the female Guardians from Wickerby High acting as belles."

"Got it," Felcity replied. To me, "You got this, Vion."

As soon as my friends were out of earshot, the Westley men turned to me with expectant looks. "No looking back, Vion?" Mr. Westley asked me.

I took a deep breath. "No looking back," I repeated. "After tonight, the masquerade games are in full swing. My past is history and the future still remains a mystery. All I can do is enjoy the gift of the present and live in the now while being mindful of the Joneus manifesto: Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity."

"Brotherhood. Youth. Masculinity," replied the other members just as I caught the arrival of De'Andre (also in all-black).

"Right," Mr. Westley clapped as all of us got in line while the music from outside stopped playing. "It's showtime, gentlemen."

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