Chapter Twenty-One: Revelations

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Vion's POV


My name is Bay'Vion Copeland.

I had just been shot by a demented young woman who was ordered by my ex-godsister Kenya Halliday who didn't approve of me leaving New Orleans (and leaving her) so I could better my life while living with my aunt Mona and uncle Donnie.


I had a feeling that Kenya would try and plan this kind of mess right here, but I never expected it to happen so quickly. Then again, when it came to Kenya and her wiles of getting what she wants, who can really say?

Anyway, I'm now caught in between the worlds of life and death, thinking about all the things that have been said and done- me leaving Kenya to fend for herself, making some new and amazing friends who wish me well, starting fresh at a new school, and even letting go of the boundaries that were set before me by Kenya. Although I might not have lived a full life that had promise, I still had no regrets of the changes that needed to be made.

The one thing that I was sad about was knowing that Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie were losing the one connection that reminded me of my mom- me. With my aunt being unable to have kids due to a faulty IUD and her husband being sterile from testicular cancer back when he was a teenager himself, I was considered the child that they wished they could have. And, my wish for them is that they'll be able to consider adoption so they could be at peace and remember the good times that I had with them.

I was also going to miss Talia and her family, they knowing that Kenya didn't deserve to have me as her god-brother since I was the one who cleaned up after her. The Newmans, alongside those who dred to go against Kenya, did all they could to make my life somewhat comfortable; but they could only provide so much before Kenya would take it from me.

And now, it looks like Kenya would actually get her wish to do away with me so no one else can have my attention. But in a way, I'd like to think that Kenya did me a favor. I mean, life wasn't as pleasant as I wished for despite me moving to Virginia and enjoying some peace of mind. And maybe, just maybe, I was ready to leave this world and be reunited with my late parents. So, me being shot dead isn't a bad way to go. At least I could finally be at ease that there was nothing that Kenya could do to me anymore.

A white light formed in the darkness, making my body go lax. It felt so otherworldly yet soothing all at once. Maybe this was the sign needed to let me know that it was time to make my final exodus and cross to the other side. My eyes grew heavy yet I felt like I wass floating on air. I was finally going to-

"Bay'Vion, do not close your eyes! You still have life to live, meu amorcito! Your time to die is not yet. Do not close your eyes!"


"Your mother's right, son. There's still so much for you to do, Vion! Don't close your eyes just yet! Your aunt, uncle, and friends need you. Don't close your eyes!"

The light began to diffuse into two different beams of light before they transformed into...

"Mom? Dad?" I breathed as I took in their heavenly appearances- Mom as her youthful Brazilian beauty with her cafe-au-lait skin that was devoid of flaws while her hair was long and flowing as she wore her favorite summer dress. Dad was still in his early forties and dressed up in a pair of jeans and his favorite Saints jersey and cap. And both of them were smiling at me. "Mom, Dad, I missed you so much," I breathed, letting them wrap me in a hug. "What's going on?"

"You're not dead yet, Bay'Vion," Mom said her smile being replaced by a serious look. "Right now, you're in the hopsital as Mona and Donnie are keeping watch over you. And they want you back?"

I blinked twice. "What? Mom, I-"

"I know it's a bit sudden, but it's not your time to die," Mom interrupted. "You still have a life to live in Virginia and there are many people who believe that you didn't deserved to be treated like Kenya treated you. For what it's worth, your father and I still believe that you being Kenya's god-brother was a mistake that we wish we could take back because she doesn't want you to claim your birthright."

Wait, what?

Dad nodded. "She's right, Vion," he intoned. "Kenya knew that you were meant for greatness when you two were younger, but your grandparents and her grandparents thought that what your mother and I planned for you was 'an abomination.' They wanted you to be mediocre until the day came to do away with you. So they commissioned Kenya to make your life unpleasant so you had no other friends than her before ordering to have you killed when you were set for high school."

My eyes went wide. "I had my suspicions," I said, "but I think that you're wrong about me havign a birthright of some sorts. I mean, I'm just a normal teenager who needed to break away from a bad relationship. I-"

Mom made me face her before pointing to an empty space. "Look, and see what might've been if you had let Kenya bully you into staying with her," she intoned....

A bright light formed to see Kenya dancing in the cemetery, her eyes full of glee as she was partying as if she didn't have a care in the world. And the grave she was dancing on...was mine.

Bay'Vion Copeland
Forever in Our Hearts.

"Sorry for killing you, but it's for your own good," Kenya cackled wickedly as she and her friends continued to dance on my grave. "At least I can move on knowing that you're dead and unable to claim your birthright with those pretty boys in Virginia. If I can't have you, no one can!"

From the distance, Talia and her family alongside a broken-hearted Aunt Mona and De'Andre and his family watched on with tears falling endlessly...

I ducked my head in shame.

"That's what would've happened if you refused your aunt's offer to move to Virginia," Dad said gravely before giving me a wan smile. "But you did leave, Vion, and your mother and I are proud that you decided to cut your losses and finally took a stand for yourself. Kenya can't see that because she's lost in her delusions of grandeur. Like your mother and I said, Vion, you still have a life to live and a birthright to claim. Your aunt and uncle know it as do the Westleys since your mother and I know who they are and what they believe to be yours. Go back to the land of the living and claim your destiny."

I fought back tears before finally letting them fall. "I miss you guys so much," I said, choking back a sob. "Is the baby-"

"Our son is fine, but this is about you," Mom cut me off and drying my tears. "The John Dandy Boys Club are the brotherhood that you need, Vion; and like your father said, he and I know Mr. Westley and his son very well. And we know them very well as we have been their friends for a long while, even before you were born."

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know.

Mom sent me a small Mona-Lisa grin. "All I can tell you is that the John Dandy Boys are the keys of your true lineage," she replied. "You'll know the answers in due time, but you must wake up first."

A bright blue light filled the dark void as Mom and Dad began to fade away. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked.

"Never wonder what is not meant to be," Dad replied. "But know that your mother and I will be watching over you, Vion."

The last thing I remembered was Mom's lips kissing my forehead and her saying "Wake up, Vion."

And then voices began to overlap.


"Coming to...the doctor..."

"Squeeze my hand..."

And then I opened my eyes.

Don't get too comfortable just yet, folks! Vion's wide awake and is surprised to see some subtle changes about himself before going home and talking to Talia on the phone! Get ready, boys and girls, for the REAL meat of the story!

Dedication: HicksScribbles. Song: "I Will Be" by Florence + The Machine (From the Final Fantasy XV Soundtrack)


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