Chapter Fifteen

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Kenya's POV

New Orleans, Louisiana...

"Talk to me," I said on my burner phone as I headed inside the cafeteria to grab some chow. My weekends without Vion were starting to get more lackluster and boring since I couldn't throw any more house parties or use my credit cards to go shopping since Dad and everyone confiscated everything because I didn't want Vion away from me. I had someone from Virginia be my eyes and ears while having to be on lockdown under my parents' watchful eyes.

"Listen, Halliday, things are getting hot right now," my female contact informed me with seriousness in her voice. "Copeland's getting more and more attention with his singing voice and he's now a social media sensation with his performances."

I scoffed. "Tell me something that I don't know," I groaned, wanting to forget yesterday and how Mom and Dad were gushing over that loser singing in front of everyone. I don't deny that he has a great singing voice. It's just that I don't want him to outshine me in any way, hence me making him beneath me and having him to be my slave. "Mom and Dad are still playing videos and sharing them with their friends. Even De'Andre and Thalia are over the moon with this. I need something useful, girl."

"Maybe this ought to get your attention, Halliday," my contact reported. "And it's something that you'll need to consider and worry over. It's those John Dandy Boys here in Virginia."

That caught my attention. "What about them?" I asked, feeling dread form in my stomach.

A pause then... "Their leaders have just offered Copeland an invitation to join their brotherhood," she intoned. "It happened when he was auditioning for the glee club."

"I take it that Vion was wise enough to reject the offer," I said, my voice harsh and loud enough to catch the attention of some students and the cafeteria workers. "Tell me that Vion is not stupid enough to join those abominations and become one of them."

"He didn't reject, Halliday. He said yes."

I dropped my lunch plate, my food splattering everywhere. "WHAT?!"

Oh, hell to the fucking no, bitch! This mess right here....this has to end right fucking now! "And let me guess, everyone now knows about this?!" I barked indignantly.

"I wouldn't be surprised if your family approved this," my reporter replied, "but this is getting bad, girl. You have to talk some sense into your parents and get him out of Virgina so you can put him down."

I glared at the newly-arrived teachers who didn't look pleased to see me. "I intend to," I replied tersely. "Right now, I'm facing a lot of heat right now. We'll talk."

The line was dead as I was soon about to face another tongue-lashing and my burner phone being confiscated. What is my life right now?


Later, at the Halliday residence...

"What the hell do you all mean that Vion's joining those group of pretty boys?" I bellowed indignantly after being suspended from school and my parents alongside Talia and her family and even De'Andre and his mother were with them. "You know damn well that this means that Vion's one step away from losing me completely and vice-versa! He was better off with me and you fucking know that!"

"No he wasn't, young lady," Dad said firmly, glaring down at me as we all were gathered at the large dining room table. "We saw him being miserable while he had to give up a lot of things to make you happy. He was tired of being with your ungrateful behind and we all know you were ready to get rid of him."

"Can you blame me? You ought to know that I didn't want him as my god-brother in the fucking first place, but you and Mom insisted that he would be the one to mellow me out," I rebutted, crossing my arms stubbornly. "Joke's on him since I made him my personal bitch boy until you all took him away from me."

"And it was a good thing we did because he was one step away from ending it all because you were too toxic and too much of a brat to deal with," Talia spat at me. "I don't know why you're so hell-bent on reclaiming him only to have him killed off. He's not a sacrificial lamb, girl."

"He might as well be because I'm planning to get him back one way or another and make sure that he dies a slow and painful death!" I proclaimed fiercely. "Like I said before, I rather see him dead and tossed into some shallow grave than be happy with people who go against EVERYTHING that I stand for. I know this, and so should you guys."

"I'm done," De'Andre said abruptly, him getting up with his mother following suit before they both faced me. "Kenya Halliday, you and I are officially through. Mama Lottie and Pop-Pop Emmett were right about you when they said that you're too chaotic for my blood. The only reason that I put up with you was because of Vion since he was good people. Now that he's finally free of you, there's nothing stopping me from finally giving you the boot! It's over, we're are done! I'm blocking your number, and unfriending you on social media. You are the worst girlfriend in history and a more-awful god-sister to a guy who had class and grace! You didn't deserve him and I'm  glad that he left you just like I am! If you even think about harassing him any more, I will make sure to testify against you in court! Leave Vion alone and leave me alone!"

Mom smiled widely. "Well said, young man," she said before turning her attention to me with a stern look on her face. "You're not going to do anything to Vion, you bitch! I will make sure that he is far away from you and he will be with those nice boys! If you even think about doing anything about it, I will make sure that you will regret defying me!"

I stood up and got in her face. "Too bad for you, Mommy Dearest, because I plan to get Vion in a body bag and have him buried at the dump," I sneered. "If I can't have him, no one can! I will make sure that he is fucked up and slaughtered like a pig before he joins those goombas! He's mine and mine alone, dead or alive!"


I reeled from the harsh backhanded slap, staggering briefly as I saw Mom glare down at me with hatred in her heart. "If you even dare harm one hair on Vion's head...I will end you my goddamned self," she seethed just as policemen stormed inside.

"Ma'am, we're here with a warrant for your daughter's arrest," one of the policewomen said sternly, her eyes trained on me with hate. "The records from her burner phone hint of her calls with someone and there's some disturbing notes she made about your daughter planning to take out Mr. Copeland."

Dad stormed over and landed another slap on me that had me collapsing onto the wooden floor. "Take her away," he bellowed angrily. "Kenya Trenyce Halliday, you are no longer our daughter. You are dead to this family!"

"I don't care!" I screeched as two officers came over to place the cuffs on my hands. "I'm going to get Vion back and I will end his worthless ass! If that doesn't happen, then may lightning strike me dead this instant!"

I continued to rant and rave as I was given my Miranda rights before being dragged out of the house kicking and screaming to no avail. I caught a glimpse of Thalia on her phone and glaring at me while De'Andre was shaking his head as he was led by his mother to her car.

Fuck them all! And fuck Vion! I was going to end him one way or another! If I can't have him, no one can! His life was now forfeit the moment he joined those pretty boys! I was going to have his beating heart in a jar and his head on a platter with an apple in his mouth! This meant war!

I was soon placed in a cop car with the door slamming behind me. "Bay'Vion Copeland, you'll pay for abandoning me," I growled sotto voce as the policemen got inside the front seats and the car pulled away from my home. "You're going to die! This means war!"

And I meant every word!

Kenya's not happy, folks, and something tells me that her plans for Vion are going to be lethal and wicked! And unfortunately for us all, we still have to deal with her and her antics! So you better buckle up because Hurricane Kenya is going to cause some crazy damage in the last few chapters of act one!

Coming up next, Vion sits down with his friends and the adults about his decision and they learn of Kenya's arrest. And folks, this is when things officially get underway!

Dedication: SilviaKrpatova.


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