Chapter Two: Silent Vigils and Wishes Upon a Star

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Third-Person POV

Back in Stonehaven Pointe (Trotter's Ridge High School)...

As Vion and his company continued to walk through the halls of the expansive high school, a group of teens watch from afar, their gazes trained on a now-recovered Vion and watching him with high intrigue. "He's such a boy with a lot of potential," one of them muses as he and his cohorts keep themselves hidden in the shadows. "It's such a pity that he had to hide it all to please his dreadful godsister yet receiving nothing but hatred for his efforts."

"Everyone was glad that he decided to move in with his relatives instead of facing an early death by her," the leader intoned as he saw Vion being given some treats by the Beta Club members. "It might've broken his aunt's  heart if he died before receiving his inheritance."

"I just heard from our contact back in New Orleans," another member said. "It looks like Miss Halliday will be served a restraining order to stay away from our promising candidate- and by her own father, no less, who will be the boy's attorney."

"Good thing because there's no telling what might happen if she dares to set foot and even make a move to end his life before the time comes for Vion to accept his birthright," still another member says. "Our elder has big plans for Bay'Vion Copeland and his parents made us all promise that he will know of his true lineage when the time is right."

"Agreed," the teen leader says as he watched Vion and his relatives break away from the others before leaving. "We'll make ourselves known in due time. But we'll let him know of our public image when school starts next week. I want to make sure that he knows that he's being chosen for something greater."

"As for Miss Halliday?" someone asked.

The leader took a deep breath. "She'll not dare to try anything reckless," he said. "My father will make sure of it once Vion tells him his story. For now, we have much to prepare for, so let's leave."

With that, the group of teens swiftly disappeared, no one being the wiser of anyone playing vigilance.


Later that evening, at the Houlton-Turner residence.

The Houlton Post

Meeting Bay'Vion Copeland and My Wish for Him

As I began preparations for junior year, word of a new kid suddenly reached my radar. And upon meeting Bay'Vion "Vion" Copeland, I knew that he and I shared a few things in common- losing our parents and siblings to tragedy and moving in with our relatives, us looking for fresh starts, and even sharing a few hobbies in life. But what caught my attention the most was that Vion Copeland was a young man who had to settle for less to please someone who didn't deserve to be his friend, much less his god-sibling.

People can be cruel nowadays, especially the younger generation when it comes to school and teenage drama. But Kenya Halliday sounded like the epitome of an ultimate teenage brat that no one wants to be friends with even if Jesus Himself paid one to do it. And Vion was her god-brother. Or rather, her whipping boy, homework helper, party-planner (he had to throw her impromptu house parties during the summers and clean up after her), and verbal punching bag. He had to miss out on opportunities in life because of her wiles and made sure that he only relied on her. If he hadn't come to Virginia and broken ties with her, he might've faced a grim future before he even started junior year.

There's a special place in hell for people like Miss Halliday who treat the gifted like garbage. And I can only hope that she finally gets what she deserves. As for Bay'Vion Copeland, my wish for him is to not only be free from the scars of his past but also look towards a brighter future where he can fully thrive as a young man. Life wasn't kind to him in the past, but the future can be a bit better once he starts to find his footing here in Stonehaven Pointe and at Trotter's Ridge High School, where our junior year will take place. Here's to Vion Copeland and his new journey where he can find what he's looking for. Wish him luck, everyone. I have a feeling that he'll need plenty of it.

Satisfied with his blog post, Quez pushed the "Publish Now" button on the blogging app on his tablet computer before turning to his bedroom window. The sun was about to set and he was grateful that Vion decided to stick around and not let Kenya bully him into moving back to New Orleans just to face an early death. Quez and everyone who was there in the nurse's office all agreed that what Vion needed the most was a better life.

A bright star began to form in the sky. Closing his eyes, Quez crossed his fingers and began the simple rhyme. "Star light, star bright. The first star that I see tonight," he said softly. "I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish that I wish tonight and...I wish for Vion to have the one main factor to transform his life in a major way. I wish for Vion to be free from his godsister's controlling ways. But most of all, I wish for Vion to finally embrace his destiny."

He opened his eyes just in time to see a shooting star fly by. Smiling to himself, Quez left his bedroom to join his family for dinner.

Little did he know, gentle reader, was that his wishes would come true in more ways than neither he nor anyone else can expect.

Ooh, child. They say to be careful what you wish for because it might come true and you'll get more than bargained for. And folks, Quez's wish is going to come true in so many ways that it's not even funny.

But coming up in the next chapter, Vion checks in with Thalia and he also makes a wish upon a star for a better life. And like I said, folks, he better be careful what he wishes for because he just might get it all and then some!

Dedication: TheAlixDavenport. Song: "No Place Like Home" by Todrick Hall.


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