Chapter Fifty-Three (Kenya's Revenge)

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Kenya's POV

Earlier, at the Stonehaven Pointe Correctional Center...

I'm heading back to fucking Louisiana tomorrow morning.

This is a tragedy that's so wrong on so many levels that it's not even funny anymore.

Since my confrontation with that Westley man who told me off for killing Vion, all of the police officers never let me forget of what I did to that runt of the litter- even more so for today since it was his birthday. He would've been seventeen today and I would've definitely celebrated his death earlier on if he had stayed in New Orleans like I expected him to and accepted his death before he began junior year. I would've been dancing in clover with joints, bottles of liquor, shopping sprees, and chicken wings on hand as the Bourbon Street Princess.

Instead, I'm going to be facing Madam Quarter Pounder Eater back in Angola State Penitentiary where she'll definitely make sure that I'm in solitary. And the worst part of it all? I never got to enact my revenge on the people who put me in jail in the first place- my parents, Talia and her parents, the Thompsons alongside my ex-boyfriend, and that punk's aunt and uncle. The only one consolation that I have right now is that Vion is indeed dead and I've spat in his urn before throwing it in the garbage- the one thing that landed my behind in this town's prison.

Fine life I'm living, am I right?

Anyway, the last of the dinner (a meager meal of chicken nuggets, chips, and water) was finished as I was soon about to lie down on the prison cot for tonight- the last night I'd get here in Virginia before it's back to moldy food and water at Angola State. But just before I was getting ready to call it a night, there was a knock on the prison door. "What now?" I growled.

The prison door swung open to reveal a stocky athletic fellow with his blonde hair in a crewcut and dressed in military camo gear. "Kenya Halliday, I presume?" he asked me in a tough accent.

"Who wants to know?" I said.

"I assume you knew of my kook of a cousin named Nathan Bavier, am I right?"

I sneered at the thought of the one person who could be an asset to me before he turned out to be a sellout like everyone else. "Sadly, I did. He turned out to be a dud and sold out to be friends with those John Dandy losers here."

"Typical," the guy said, eyes lit in disdain. "Well, I think that I can be of use to you, Miss Halliday. And by that, I mean that I can make sure that you'll get your revenge and join me in doing something that needed to be done a long time ago: expose the John Dandy Boys and Men's Club as a cult to the public."

"And why should I get involved with you?" I asked. "Will you turn out to be a double-agent as your cousin is?"

Camo guy snorted. "And let myself fall for the trap that my parents and Kaci did?" he asked in disdain. "No thanks! If it wasn't for that failed prank, I wouldn't been sent to Spag Union Academy for military school before my parents signed an army contract to ship me off to war or something. No way was I'm going to die in some pointless war! My mission since ninth grade was to take down those freaks and ruin them for good. And since you had the mission to exterminate all those who came here and put you away, I figured that an alliance was needed for us to get our goals completed."

Okay, so this guy sounds very serious. "What about your cousin?" I wanted to know. "Would you mind if I decided that he needed to die for betraying me?"

"Not at all," Camo Guy replied. "Might break Uncle Louie and Aunt Vickie's hearts, but at least they'll know that I'm back to gain revenge. So, what do you say? Wanna work together, or let yourself head back to Louisiana in disgrace."

There was only one answer that I had in mind, folks. "Let's roll out," I declared. "But how do we get out of here without being caught?"

"No need to fret, my dear," the guy assured me, holding up a small vial of liquid. "Took the liberty of slipping some ketamine in the coffee machine that would knock out the evening-shift cops for a while as we begin our Road to Revenge."

I grinned widely. "Well then, let's get the hell out of here," I said. "By the way, you never gave me your name."

The guy smiled, perfectly-formed teeth shining like the stars. "Robby. Robby Nicklaus Beckham," he answered. "And I was the first one to be blacklisted for trying to expose the John Dandy Boys and Men's Club. But after today, you and I will become royalty and lead in the new age of badass kids who are part of the revolution where nasty is the new cool, the latest chic."

"Let's blow," I said as I let him lead me out of my cells and through the now-quiet halls, surprised to see that the cops and guards were indeed knocked out by that spiked coffee. "Nice work," I said as I got into his pickup truck.

"Thanks," Robby commented, gunning the engine. "So, who's on our kill list first?"

I thought for a moment, then grinned wickedly. "Nathan Bavier," I said. "He's the first to go."

"Let's go."

All right, Stonehaven Pointe, I thought to myself as Robby drove to the residence in question where our first victim was coming home from what looked like a party by the way he was dressed. You thought that you can send me back to Louisiana as a disgrace? Well, you can send me back AFTER I take down my victims who landed me in jail in the first place. And with one of your first blackballed members by my side, we intend to reclaim this town and show y'all that only the bullies hold sway over y'all! You're not ready for me or what I have in store for you. But by the time you're finally prepared, it'll be too late!

Robby handed me a gun. "Ready to roll, my dear?" My black knight asked me.

"Yes, I am," I replied.

Sorry, Nathan. Time to die.

And just like that, folks, Robby Beckham and Kenya Halliday are beginning their Road to Revenge campaign to take down their victims one by one. But unfortunately for them, the Masquerade Games are going to be in full play! And in the next chapter, Nathan will be laid to rest while the Joneus Men and the co-ed Guardians work with two unexpected allies and a new PR consultant who will set the stage for one epic takedown of a lifetime!

Song: "Love Gun" by Cee-Lo Green ft. Lauren Bennett. Dedication: DonaldUzoka.


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