Chapter Thirty-Nine: Revelations and Resolutions, Pt. 2

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Third-Person POV

In the Blue Parlor...

"Oh, my God," Quez breathed, he, his family, and the Humphries family taking in the costumed yet unmasked appearances of Bay'Vion Copeland, De'Andre Thompson, Adam Thompson, and Donovan Booker. "This can't be real."

"Ah, but it is," came the smooth and authoriative voice of Mr. Westley as he and his son (also in their superhero personas). "Mr. Houlton and Miss Humphries, I believe that the two of you know who we truly are, especially with your stunts from yesterday."

Bridget gulped. "We're sorry," she said immediately. "I was mainly trying to earn my place for the Sirens dance team while Quez was concerned for Vion and what he was getting himself into. We originally intended to leave the manor once Quez decided to leave after I finished my initiations and all;  but one thing led to another and well...we just saw something that we weren't supposed to see."

"Believe us, Mr. Westley, that Bridget and I intend to keep what we saw to ourselves," Quez added hastily, sitting up in his chair. "I maybe an ambitious reporter looking for some hot story and all, but even I have my limits and I know when to walk away. Like you said last night, sir; you guys being the Sons of Joneus is the best-kept secret in this town and for all of the US. Hell, if I know better, this is the best-kept secret in the entire world."

"That's true," Brian hummed. "And for that, my father and I- alongside Vion, his uncle, and even the Thompson duo believe that you and Miss Humphries can be trusted alongside your families."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Humphries asked.

The next several minutes were spent with Vion and the others telling the two families of their duties as Guardians as well as Kenya's prison break and her intentions for a genocide (the latter part not sitting well with Quez or his grandmother as the latter was ready with a baseball bat on hand to take out the "shameless huzzy," as she said). "It's more the reason for you all to join the others and even Chasity who is still under the weather to know your roles as Guardians to keep this secret away from the eyes of Kenya," Vion finished. "Like I told everyone else, she wanted me and De'Andre to suffer under her control. If we hadn't come here, we would've been dead while Kenya would've gotten away with murder for who knows how long. It's time to let her know that the dangerous game of masquerade is only for those who are worthy to play. Now the question is, are you all willing to help defeat Kenya's regime?"

"I am," Quez said fiercely. "Vion, the moment that I met you was when I believed that fate led you to Stonehaven Pointe for a special purpose. I still believe it and it's not going to change. Whatever you, your uncle, the Thompsons, or even the Westleys need, you can count on me. I'm in."

"So are we," Marilyn said, she and her husband Jeffrey nodding in assent alongside Quez's grandparents.

"Count on us," Bridget said, she and her twin Brianna nodding as did their parents.

Mr. Westley grinned. "Good," he said.

Brian stepped forward. "Houlton, with you being the lead editor-in-chief for the Daily Siren and your blogging experience; it's fair to say that you are meant to become the Keeper of the Keys, helping us with PR campaigns with various global media companies while keeping our identities out of the public eye. That is, if you're up for the challenge."

Quez shot him a pointed look as he whipped out his tablet computer. "The Houlton, Simmons, and Turner families never back down from a challenge. Ever!" he said fiercely, tone brooking no argument. "And I think I know the PERFECT article for today to get ready for tomorrow's beautillion."

Opening the blogging app on the tablet, Quez began typing away as his family, the Westleys, and even Vion and his uncle gathering around him.

The Houlton Post/Daily Siren

The Wheels of Change are in Motion

Gentle readers, it has come to my attention that a certain scorned femme fatale is currently making her way to our fair city to not only try and cause chaos, but also continue to ruin the good name of our dearly departed songbird named Bay'Vion Copeland who died from complications and is currently being laid to rest in a private ceremony. It's bad enough that she wished for his death. She wants to come and end more lives of those who had placed her in jail, all to symbolize that she was not to be denied.

If I wasn't unhappy with her when I first learned of her, I'm currently livid of her plans and her prison break.

Miss Halliday is someone who wishes the worst for people who want to change their lives for the better. She believes that chaos is good while change is bad. She only wants what's best for her while others suffer under her reign of terror. If that's not her being like Marie Antoinette, then I don't know what is.

Miss Halliday, the moment you set foot in Stonehaven Pointe with wicked intentions is the moment that you'll be caught trying to play the dangerous game of masquerade. Unfortunately for you, it is not meant for you to play because only the worthy will be part of the game. Because people of your caliber will never be able to understand how things are run around here. Even if you do, you'll want to change it up for your satisfaction. And we at Stonehaven Pointe will not stand for it. So prepare yourselves for a harsh reality check, my dear, because you're in for one rude awakening. That's the bottom line because I said so.

"How do you like those egg rolls, Westley?" Quez drawled as he clicked on the "Submit Now" button.

"Well said, Mr. Houlton," the superintendent commented. "Young man, I expect nothing but the best from you as the Keeper of the Keys. The same goes for you, Miss Humphries, if you want to join him."

Bridget nodded twice. "Definitely," she said. "Kenya Halliday isn't going to know what will hit her once she comes here."

Gentle reader, as the roles of Joneus heroes, Guardians, and Keepers of the Keys have been assigned; the masquerade games are soon to begin with a vengeance. And with the beautillion soon to arrive alongside Miss Kenya Halliday, the wheels of fate are indeed turning forward. Because one way or another, there will be no going back!

How do you like those egg rolls and fried rice, Mary Jim?

The games are about to begin, ladies and germs, but we still have one more chapter before act two comes to a close. And this one...well, let's just say that yet another newcomer has arrived to shake things up with intentions of his own! Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bavier is coming to Stonehaven Pointe and he has something to say as he gets settled into his new home in the next chapter! After that...there's no going back!

Song: "...Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift. Dedication: MelanieGaleaz.


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