Chapter Twelve: Recovery, Questions, Declarations, and Invites to Parties

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My eyes fluttered open as I soon found myself back in the nurse's office inside the school for the second time since my arrival in Stonehaven Pointe. "What the hell happened?" I grunted, turning to see a relieved Quez.

"Monroe happened," he replied crisply, coming over to the cot that I was now lying on and giving me a hug. "Turns out that the jocks that knocked you down were in cahoots with her as she was planning to run you over. Thank the Lord that Westley saw you and stopped you from becoming roadkill. Your aunt and uncle were frantic when they saw it all happen. Fordham and Talbot are livid as are the Westleys. And boy, I've never seen Superintendent Westley this pissed off before- not since the time when someone nearly tried to discredit the John Dandy Boys two years ago."

""Damn," I muttered, my head throbbing as I sat back on the cot just as Principal Fordham and Superintendent Westley came in with Brian following suit. "I'm so sorry for what happened."

"You don't need to apologize," the female principal intoned. "What Miss Monroe did was unacceptable. She and her male conspirators have been swiftly punished with suspension effective immediately. My heart nearly dropped to my stomach after seeing what happened. Vion, are you okay?"

"Ginger peachy, except for feeling tired and hungry after not eating a proper lunch," I commented.

"Mr. Houlton explained to me what happened with you having to stay after your English class to do a speech and almost missing lunch," Superintendent Westley replied just as I saw Hector and Wyatt come in with a bag of food from a Mexican restaurant. "But this incident was indeed rather scary for all of us."

"That's for sure," Quez commented. To the superintendent and Fordham, "I'm pulling Chelsea from the school newspaper since she's still not happy for not wanting to do a scandalous article about Vion, trying to discredit him and all that with something sadistic that's what's on her mind. It's not what this school paper should stand for and I'm not going to ruin Vion's reputation by writing some lies about him."

"But of course," Fordham replied. "But it might be beneficial to do an article about him in the future, Mr. Houlton. Maybe get an interview with him in the future."

Quez nodded as Hector handed me a plate of chicken fajitas with rice while Wyatt set a cup of punch next to it. "That I can do," the teen reporter replied. "You're down for an interview, Vion?"

"Name the time and place," I replied before taking a bite of chicken and peppers.

"Good. I better head home. Grandma and Grandpa should be expecting me by now. I already let them know about what's going on and told them I'd be home soon before my aunt and uncle comes home." After saying his farewells, he collected his belongings and left.

"Vion, with everything that's going on so far, I would like for you to consider being a part of the John Dandy Boys Club," Superintendent Westley said. "I do believe that a young man of your caliber could use some extra guidance to help you come out of your shell."

My eyes went wide, a forkful of rice frozen from my face. "Are you sure?" I asked, setting my fork down. " I mean, I'm still new in town and I'm not one to impose."

"But of course," the man said. "I know that you've still have some baggage with your late family and your godsister's bullying haunting you. But Brian and I see a lot of potential hidden in you. Take a couple of weeks to think about it and then give me your answer. And I suggest that you take this weekend to recover from what happened."

I nodded as Aunt Mona greeted Uncle Donnie. "I will," I said. "Boy, I can only say that my time here in Stonehaven Pointe has been full of surprises and drama- the latter being what I wanted to avoid."

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