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✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

⤿ Walking into the kitchen, the bustling sounds of metal pans and the sizzling sounds of the restaurant's food being cooked to exactly how it should be amongst all the chaos and stress. Multiple waitresses were walking in out of the kitchen constantly as all the dishes were out onto the tray, ready to be delivered.

Of course, the tray was filling up so fast because of how fast the chefs cooked, as they obviously just wanted to go home and get out of the hot and stuffy kitchen. Not even the waitresses got a break from how fast they had to walk through the small and tight spaced just to give people their food.

All while everything was going on, there was Y/n. They weren't as lively or stressed out as all the waiters/waitresses. They did their job with a grumpy face, almost just like Frank's. They walked calmly, seemingly not in any rush to get to the guests that have been waiting for over 30 minutes by now.

What they were really waiting for, was their alarm to go off. Signalling that it was now their break time. Though, that seemed to take so long whenever you're waiting second by second. Setting the dishes down on the table in front of the four middle aged men, they whispered a quiet "enjoy your meal," before they walked away to go get the rest of the dishes that needed to go out.

Right as they were about to step foot into one of the doors to the kitchen, the said alarm went off on their phone. Y/n quickly took their phone out, turning off the alarm before walking the opposite direction. They walked past all the tables they had already served, stepping into the back and opening the door to the outside.

The air was quite nice, still in the middle of spring since it was still March. Though Y/n really couldn't care all that much about the dates and months when they have to focus on their work. To which they didn't really couldn't care about their work either. It wasn't such an important job to them, just a small one to get them by before eventually being fired for fighting with the other coworkers.

Which I wouldn't say that didn't happen before and that might be the reason for such a grumpy expression, but Y/n still thinks that they all deserved it in their own ways. No one is ever really perfect, wouldn't You agree? Continuing on with the story, Y/n sat on the ground by the wall, going on their phone and just watching the most absurd tik toks there are in the world.

Sophie, one of Y/n's coworkers that had the same break as them, walked out soon after. "Hey," she said casually, walking to where Y/n sat and leaned against the wall before sliding down it in a exhausted manner. "God, what I would give to work somewhere but here," Sophie said in the most annoyed tone ever, taking out her phone too.

Though, Sophie didn't go on tik tok like Y/n did, she went on Character AI. It's clearly obvious that if you see a person on Character AI, they want to feel some kind of love and comfort through either fluff, smut, or angst. Which Y/n couldn't disagree, sometimes it did feel good but they weren't really comfortable with the thought that there might be someone watching them on the other side of the screen while they made out with a bot.

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