actor Wally is done too ..

372 9 39

Update to Java making her own document

like y'all really can't handle being called out

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like y'all really can't handle being called out....

like y'all really can't handle being called out

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And then frillsand supports them 😖

anyways I just woke up so I might update this later with more drama

my take on this:

• I think this may be the downfall of welcome home completely. Idk, just something tells me that that little civil war in that wh discord server with all the big creators in it is gonna expand and then we're all gonna fall out of the community because grown ass adults simply can't watch their own fame go crashing down after being so much hype and power hungry 😀

I think this community is gonna go down in history for multiple reasons and it ain't gonna be great

• I think some people are dramatic. No, I don't know all of the full story bc I just like reading drama but grooming is not the same as pedophilia and your age doesn't account for your level of maturity, (you've clearly seen that going on with literal adults..)

If one person overreacts, then everyone else will overreact and make the situation way worse

I want everyone to just see the facts and take it with a grain of salt (but that doesn't mean support them even with this information) because I know a lot of people will just spread random information to get some kind of leverage or fame or whatever they want. But I also know that sure, this is a serious situation, but y'all aren't in it... 🤯🤯

and also because it's Twitter so like..

• pressuring kids into making NSFW Twitter accounts, supporting people who make disgusting aus, everything java and bug has done shouldn't be okay and never will be, and supporting them just because grooming is somewhat normal now isn't okay either. At least try to support the victims unless they are proven to be lying

also don't come at me for anything like spreading misinformation or drama that doesn't need to be shared, I'm just ranting bc I'm a chatty mcchatty 😘

I also don't got time to watch weird pops tik toks or read their fake ass documents lying to everyone to save themselves, I just like reading from Twitter drama 😾

this is also like the first time I ever really regularly check Twitter, I hate Twitter 🤯

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