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⤿"So what's this TV for?" Y/n's dad asked, walking down the attic stairs while holding a big old TV. It looked from the late 80's to 90's, about the size of their father's chest. It had a VHS set under the screen, perfect for the tape that Y/n had in their bag.

"Uhm, so I got mailed this tape and I really want to see what's inside it," Y/n explained vaguely, them and their mom standing on each side of the hallway as their father came down. Their mother snorted, "who still uses VHS?" She asked sarcastically, turning and to walk down the stairs now that Y/n's father made it down the attic.

"What do you think is in the tape?" The father asked, resting his chin down on the top of the dusty old TV. "I don't really know, I thought it might be some kind of incriminating evidence that was sent to me just so they could get rid of it," they shrugged, walking down the stairs behind their father.

"What if it's just a sex tape?" Their mother asked, standing to the side of the stairs, making sure Y/n's father got down the stairs okay. Y/n giggled, "I thought that too," they smiled at their mother, following their father as he walked down the stairs and into the living room.

Their father huffed, making a little jump to keep the TV from sliding down his arms. "It's probably just old family videos some old guy had and accidentally sent it to you," their father said as they walked towards the back door where Y/n's friend's car was.

Y/n thought for a moment before speaking, "well there was no return address," they spoke up, following their father as their mother opened the back door for them. "The guy was probably old, forgot to give one!" Their mother argued.

All three of them walked out of the house into the back door. The sky was cloudy, the air moist since it had just rained before Y/n arrived. "Almost as old as you?" Y/n teased, smirking at their mother as they walked to the trunk. Their mother could only scoff, giving a playful eye roll at them before turning away.

"I'm not old," their mother muttered, standing on the back porch as she watched both Y/n and their father. Putting the old TV into their trunk, their Father turned to Y/n, "Yeah, she's not old," he said in the same tone of voice as if he was mocking his own wife.

Y/n then shut the trunk door, giggling at their father. "Anyways, I'll update you when I finally find out what's inside the tape," they said with a smile, walking around the car to the driver's seat. Their father stood by their mother now, hands in his coat pockets.

"You better, you got us curious too," their mother said a Y/n opened the car door and sat down. Starting the car, they looked up at their parents, "I know, right? It's so interesting, a mystery!" Y/n said excitedly before reaching for their car door. "anyways, bye bye love you!" They said with a smile, closing the door instead of waiting for their parents reply.

They started driving away, waving at their parents as the both of them walked back to the house. Y/n's smile quickly dropped, going back to their usual grumpy resting bitch face as they drove down the driveway. Well, at least they have the TV now.

Once they made it home, they quickly started to set it up. Don't ask how they got it up those flight of stairs all by themself, they don't know how either. They took like 20 minutes to get the wires and cables out in the right places while also dusting off the entire thing. I mean, of course it would be dusty, they haven't used it since they were 4.

Moving on, they sighed out as the TV was finally working now. They got up from the ground, walking over to their bag and grabbed the tape. They looked it over, silently hoping to get at least one hint as to what the tape's contents were, but sadly there was nothing.

They eventually gave up, moving the tape into the other hand and turning back to the TV. Their finger ran over a weird part of the tape, making Y/n stop in their tracks as they looked down at it. They furrowed their brows, turning the tape over to search for whatever they felt.

Hoping that it was just a scratch, they held the tape closer to their face but not so close that it was blocking the part they were looking at from the light. Y/n ran their thumb of the carved message, staring at it as they tried to make sense of it.


What does that mean? If they had to guess, they'd probably say something like the sun because they weirdly get sun and moon vibes from that. Not knowing what it meant, they decided to ignore it for now and go back to what they were doing before.

They sat back down in front of the TV, looking down at the tape as they tried to figure out which way to put it in. They gave up, just putting the tape into the VHS set in as it made a weird zipping or buzzing sound when it went in.

Y/n stared, watching the screen of the TV as it turned a bright blue for a moment. And suddenly, there was a couple flashing images before there was static. For some odd reason, Y/n's heart started to speed up. They thought it might just be anticipation, or maybe hoped it was.

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