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✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

⤿Huffin' and puffin', Y/n trudged up the stairs of their apartment complex. They were holding heavy bags full of food and drinks. Why couldn't they have an elevator so they wouldn't have to walk up these flights of stairs? Y/n wasn't the athletic one, always finding it hard to go up the stairs.

Ever since middle school, it was always a burden to go up those damn stairs. Why did they ever decide to have multiple story buildings? Anyways, Y/n's been walking the entire day, more than they usually would at work. So it's reasonable why they were huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf.

Finally, they made it to their floor. Y/n sighed out, lifting the four bags on each arm up as they suddenly had that small sliver of relief now that they were so close to their own apartment. They kept trudging down the hall, their arms starting to lose circulation from the plastic bags.

They wondered what Sophie was doing today since the restaurant was closed for the day. Though, they could take out their phone with their arms being occupied. Wait, do they have their phone? Y/n started to panic, freaking themself out like they usually did. They stopped in front of their door, unhooking the plastic bags from under their arms.

Quickly patting themselves, they sighed out once they found their phone. Y/n usually forgot things, and always freaked themselves out whenever they forgot something. It was weird, they didn't know why they did it. But hey, at least it makes them double check themselves.

Y/n quickly took out their keys and unlocked the door, to which they kicked the door open. There was a footprint on the door now but Y/n really couldn't care. Dragging the bags in with them, very loudly might I add, they suddenly noticed a box sitting on their coffee table. They didn't order anything, did they?

If they did, why would it be sitting inside their house? Wouldn't it be sitting by the door or in their mailbox? This was all making Y/n freak out, looking around their place to see if anything was out of place. Y/n stood there, bags by their feet as they thought about what they should do.

Should they open it? Should they not? Is this a trap? Who knows, maybe it's something that took a while to show up. They kicked the door closed behind them before dragging those bags into the small kitchenette. Opening the fridge door, they kept looking back to make sure nothing popped out of the box that was just sitting there ominously.

That's what they did for the next couple minutes, crouching in front of the fridge while putting the groceries away and occasionally checking on that weird box. Once they were done, they closed the door and grabbed the eight plastic bags and throwing it into the trashcan. Now what should they do? Open the box? What if one of their friends brought it and hid glitter inside just to prank them?

That last one scared them, more than the thought of someone trying to kidnap them or something. They hated glitter with a burning passion. The thought of it being like a pest and just overstaying their welcome makes Y/n upset, but they weren't going to focus on the thought of glitter right now.

Y/n then walked towards the box, just staring at it for a moment as if something inside would crawl out through the cracks. Which, didn't by the way. Of course it wouldn't, that's a stupid thing to suggest. Y/n decided to say fuck it and go ahead and open it.

Taking a pocket knife, they stabbed it into the tape on the box quickly and sliced the top open. Pushing their fingers through the top, they ripped it open. And surprise surprise, there wasn't a creepy crawly pest or a glitter bomb, it was just a lousy tape. A normal old fashioned black tape inside the box.

Staring at it, Y/n's curiosity grew. They kept wondering what the contents of that tape were. Could it be gore, blood, and murder? Could it be some random movie? Could it just be static? Or maybe a sex tape? Y/n giggled at that last one, remembering their grandparents sex tapes they made back in the 80's that they accidentally saw as a kid.

Though, they didn't have anything to watch the tape with. Their parents did, but how would Y/n get that? Maybe they can bring the tape over and watch it at their parents house, but they knew that their parents are quite nosy so they would want to see what's on this tape too.

Maybe they should tell Sophie? No, not yet. Y/n wouldn't want to tell Sophie until they got all the information yet. But maybe they should call their parents and ask if they can come over tomorrow and bring the tape with them. But in the mean time, they would have to sit and theorize about this stupid little unlabeled tape.

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