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✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

⤿The video started up, playing a weird static sounds before the screen settled onto a.. living room? It looked like your average grandma's house except everything was all shiny and new, as if it was modern. The scene showed a old fashioned couch in the back, pushed up against the wall, looking like it was something fancy.

The rest of the room was decorated with pictures of multiple different people, ones that Y/n surely couldn't recognize because the camera this was filmed on was old and it wasn't at all good enough to show that far. That was all they could really see, apart from the obnoxiously bright colors that were painted on the wall and couch but that's about it.

Y/n just started, there wasn't really anything to tell about this empty living room aside from the part that the camera was out at sitting level, probably placed on the coffee table. They started thinking what they should do while they wait for something to happen, maybe eat some leftover Arby's fries? Not going to like, that sounds really good right now.

And suddenly, right as they were about to get up, the sound of a door opening and some shuffling was heard through the old and horrible speakers in the TV. Y/n sat back down, criss-cross applesauce on the floor in front of the TV.

Next thing you know, there is someone moving across the camera. They had rainbow pants with a baggy cardigan that was some kind of obnoxious blue. They moved across the screen, staying completely silent but their stance showed they were in a bright mood. They walked back off screen for a minute, some more shuffling being heard.

Coming back once again, they sat in front of the camera as if they were prepared for this, awaiting Y/n. They sat with their hands on their knees, their eyes closed with a cat shaped smile. Both Y/n and this.. very recognizable face just sat there in silence.

It only took a moment for Y/n to realize who this was, but they only thought that this fellow was imaginary, fake, made up from the imagination of a teenager. It crossed their mind that this was just something made to freak someone out, that this wasn't real and that this.. tape was only to excite or scare someone.

But when the silly guy Y/n claimed him to be just a couple days ago opened his eyes, they got a sense of dread, as if this wasn't fake. Just by opening his eyes, it made Y/n feel like something like him actually existed. Though, they quickly shut down their thoughts, keeping them logical and calm, staying at this being only just a tape someone had filmed and sent out to a fan.

Though, it still made Y/n nervous but that was usual at this point. "Hello there," the puppet said softly, almost as if he also didn't know if this was real enough. His eyes darted around the screen for a moment, seemingly like he couldn't see where Y/n was. That thought almost made them scoff slightly, he obviously couldn't see them through the screen.

Y/n didn't reply, not falling for that stupid thing kids do where they talk to the screen as if it wasn't creepy. He waited patiently, but the more he waited, the less he moved. He didn't even blink, almost like he was on pause or something. This all was starting to get weird, to which Y/n just uncomfortable mumbled, "uh, hello?"

He suddenly smiled bigger once they replied, shifting in his seat as he sat up straighter. To which Y/n was slightly slouching, whose parents never taught them to sit up straight. "Hello neighbor! Can.. you hear me?" He asked, his left index finger lifting up to his chin thoughtfully as he stared into Y/n's soul.

They thought for a moment, thinking about whether or not to reply to him. "Yes," they replied quietly, staring up at him back but not as creepy. Wally smiled, clasping his hands together. "That's good! I think.." he said the last part quietly, glancing around for a moment before staring back at Y/n.

"Well, neighbor, do you like to paint?" He asked like it was a question you'd ask for small talk. Y/n didn't want to reply, finding this all a bit weird and embarrassing to be talking to pixels on the screen. "Sure, I'm not good at it though," they said shyly, moving to lean back on their arms behind them.

"Oh, that's alright! No one is perfect at everything they do," he said in a slight monotone voice, making him sound funny but Y/n found that they liked it. They didn't want to judge though, not like he could help how he sounded. He moved to sit on the edge of the couch now to stare even further into their eyes.

They didn't know what to say to that, staying silent and still while watching him intently. Though they didn't really have to do anything else since the TV started to glitch and make these god awful buzzing noises. Y/n went to plug their ears, the noise being so loud that it couldn't wake the upstairs neighbors.

As soon as it started, it stopped. The screen did that iconic thing of the screen shutting off, you know the one. The screen was shut straight black, Y/n was now very sure that the TV has shut off. They continued to sit there for another moment before crawling towards the TV to take the tape out. Because if they didn't, they had this weird fear of the TV turning back on by itself. Weird, I know.

Finally getting up, Y/n decided to go eat those Arby's fries that's somewhere in their fridge. Maybe they'll come back to the tape, but that was weird, wasn't it? Being able to have a full conversation with a literal screen? Y/n didn't want to think about it too much right now, it'll only just make them stress more and theorize about it rather than focusing on more important things.

But right now, Y/n's got those Arby's fries with their name written on them, literally. You have to name your food when you have a roommate or else everything is free.

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