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✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

⤿Small sounds of clicking was heard in the fairly small room. The walls, the windows, the ceiling was white. Mostly because the landlord didn't have any sense of style or decency to not paint over dead bugs or stupid nails suck in the wall that Y/n decided to use for hanging up paintings.

Though, Y/n did manage to make the space a bit more lively. Adding a bomb of colors and aesthetics to the small room. A messy bed in the corner, a small old 70's vanity on the opposite wall, the closet door on the side, and a desk with a computer and a monitor on the opposite wall of the closet. There, Y/n sat on a creaky old desk chair that they got from when they were like 12.

The room itself was dark, the only light coming from the monitor. Y/n never really used the lights in their room except when they were looking for something. They even covered the windows with long colorful curtains to cover the light from the sun, and maybe to cover the windows themselves since Y/n may or may not be scared of someone looking in.

It was around sunset, Y/n got off work and hour ago. The moment they did, they quickly changed and sat on their desk chair to go searching through the website. They couldn't seem to get rid of that silly little puppet in their mind. Something about him and his smile really stuck with Y/n. They've never really got hooked to things easily, but he really caught their attention.

Y/n's face was lit up with the colors from the website, though they had a neutral face as they looked through all the information. Sometimes they would read the paragraphs out loud to themselves, really wanting to focus and remember all the details. They had a feeling that this would become their new fixation for the next couple months.

Though they had a neutral face, they were really excited on the inside. They were excited ever since they first got on the website, that little animation they got when they first got there made them realize how cool this was and how much effort was put on just a silly little puppet show that didn't exist.

Right now, they were looking at the neighborhood, loving how they could click on the different houses and see all the characters. They also seemed to take a liking onto Frank, feeling like they both could relate to each other on a certain level. They didn't get that feeling with Wally however, finding him staring straight at them while everybody else looked up made them feel a bit weird.

Y/n looked at the other characters, finding Howdy cute, thinking that he might be their favorite. But there was also Barnaby, who had some jokes that made Y/n laugh a little. They couldn't decide who they liked more, but they realized that they shouldn't probably be focusing on them since the main focus is mostly on Wally.

Once finished looking at the neighborhood, which seemed rather tiny to Y/n. How ever did they get stuff like TV's? Does Howdy often leave to go get those things or are do they randomly show up? Nevermind, it's just a fictional puppet show, they shouldn't be thinking too much into this.

They moved on, now going into the guestbook. It seemed really cool, being able to send messages and then being able to look at them later when you come back to the website. Though Y/n knew they wouldn't never do that, feeling like they would embarrass themself and get second hand embarrassment when they come back to look at the guestbook.

Little drawings were colored all over the book,  looking like they were knowledging certain messages. "Aww," Y/n said at a certain little drawing, their cursor hovering over the one they really liked. A title popped up under the curse, to which Y/n immediately stopped their aww'ing and just stared. They read it, suddenly realizing that the drawings were actually messages.

Now that's cool. Y/n got more excited now when they realized this. They went back, holding their cursor over every little drawing they could to see what the messages were. They had a small smile on their face as they read the titles, finding this absolutely genius. They got to Page 8, seeing how it was all blank since no one had made it on that page yet.

They scrolled down all the way to the bottom, looking to see if there was anything there. Alas, there was nothing. Or, not anything that Y/n knew of. They were about to click onto page 1 again when a sudden drawing appeared on the screen next to their cursor. It was a little red flower, the stem was green and the inside was yellow. The drawing seemed slow, like whoever was drawing it was taking their sweet time just to grab Y/n's attention.

Y/n could only stare, patiently waiting for the drawing to finish on its own before placing their cursor on top of the flower. "Hello," the message said. Y/n giggled, enjoying how the creator put this in just for an Easter egg. Y/n ignored it though, continuing on back to Page 1, looking it over before going to another page.

Something about that message made them feel weird, like their every movement on this website was being watching by something. Though, Y/n knew that they were just being silly. They were always paranoid like that. Reading over the rest of the website, finding the hidden message under the text in the about us page, finding different little secrets as they went along.

This was a rather fun website, Y/n thought. Who wouldn't like this? Unless you were some form of goth or emo, then I mean you could but still, who wouldn't like the secrets? A sudden buzzing sound came from their side, drawing Y/n's attention away from their monitor. They realized how dark it was, the sun has completely gone down now. They blinked their eyes, adjusting to the darkness of their room before picking their phone up.

They looked at the number, accepting the call and putting the phone to their ear. "Hello?" They asked, their voice being a bit hoarse from being silent for the past couple hours. "Hey Y/n, just letting you know that the restaurant is closed for the day tomorrow," I sweet mans voice came through the phone, sounding like Y/n's boss that they didn't exactly like.

"Oh, okay. Why?" They asked, turning their attention back to the monitor as they scrolled through the website some more in case they forgot something. "Uh," their boss paused, staying silent for only a moment before speaking again. "Just, we need a day to clean the kitchen, you know?" The boss finally replied, a small chuckle coming out through his sentence.

"Okay, I get it," Y/n said, not really getting it because they usually clean up after hours but thinking that they wanted to deep clean the kitchen for dinner. "Yeah, that's it. You have the day off tomorrow, go do something fun, okay?" Y/n's boss suggested, not sounding like he cared all the much about what they did in their spare time. "Alright, bye," they replied quickly, not wanting to keep the conversation for longer than they had too.

Before the boss could reply, Y/n hung up on him. Not like he's going to say anything, y/n knew that he's been careful around them ever since they yelled at their coworker for throwing food into the garage carelessly and it almost getting onto them. Y/n set their phone down, going back to the website. Maybe they should call Sophie tomorrow so she can rant more about the secrets of the website?

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do you guys want me to space out the sentences more? I know it gets boring and hard to read if it's in paragraph form, so if you want it to be easier to read I can do that

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