(updated) chapter 30: it really ain't hard not be a fucking weirdo 💀💀

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y'all I might delete this later because I like how it's ended at 35 but LISTEN

the shit I was on last night 😝

So basically I found out javadoodle (wh au creator) is a groomer

Then artsy_bug (who has that oc named Millie who everyone is jealous of for some reason) is a necrophiliac and groomer too (java helped)

they both pressured a kid into making a NSFW wh Twitter account


she follows a SHIT TON of wh NSFW accounts, ESPECIALLY that one person who has an au where Barnaby drugs Wally,

rapes him,

and beats the hell out of him,

and posts the NSFW stuff they make and all the romanticized abuse on tik tok


AND THERES MORE 🤯🤯 (this just came out last night)

this was kinda last month, which the full document got posted at April 30th

Anneshreud got called out for:
A groomer,



Demanding fan art,

Drawing her OC dale humping howdy NSFW comic on stream in front of a bunch of minors,

Made everyone in her server see howdy NSFW and then got all pissy when someone was like "fix that. Delete it, and put an age limit on the server" (she didn't)

offered 18+ roles to kids so that they could see the stuff the mods purposely put away in a private channel so the kids won't see,

Is a 24 year old woman but still behaves like a 10 year old (i.e goes into lives and stays quiet just for attention, is hella edgy saying "you're right... No one would ever want to hang out with me..", stuff like that)

And so much more BUT

she fucked up so bad that 21+ people (even wh creators) came together, made a whole 2 hour read (with video proof) document (that I read THOROUGHLY)

and even blackmailed her, threatened her to delete all of her social media (everything you can think of) or she'll basically get blacklisted

And she's still kicking around on different accounts

like bro, how do you fuck up that damn bad 😭😭

Like guys, y'all don't just get to be a groomer, just because it's normal doesn't meant you get a free pass?? 💀

y'all it's really not hard to be a decent normal human being???

Anyways thanks for listening to my ranting bc my friends are done with me spamming their phones 😝😝🦶

Anyways thanks for listening to my ranting bc my friends are done with me spamming their phones 😝😝🦶

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also thank you, I'm really honored 😊🙏🙏

UPDATE: Anneshreud also made howdy x her OC x Howdy's brother (if that makes it worse)

the youngest person I think she groomed was 12 all the way to 17 (the youngest kid didn't get to testify because they all didn't want to bring a child into this)

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