Chapter 16: Newt snaps at Thomas

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A few hours later...

The three guys had gotten back from the inside of the city with news. We needed Teresa to get inside.

That I was not happy about. Nor was anyone else. But I was willing to do anything, maybe even risk my life, in order to get Minho back.

I didn't bother to plan out everything, I already told everyone I was in on whatever they were doing, even if I was someone who did absolutely nothing and was just there to exist.

I was on the roof of the building, sitting next to a door which led back inside to where everyone was. I didn't feel like going inside and talking so I waited outside the door for everyone else to make up a plan. I heard yelling inside so I stood up to see what was happening.

I opened the door and saw Newt had Thomas pinned against the wall, screaming at him. He looked over at me and his face suddenly softened, pang of regret written all over him. 

He backed away from Thomas, slowly taking deep breaths. "I'm.. I'm sorry," Newt said breathlessly. Thomas looked at him as if he was a complete stranger. He pushed past me and walked out of the room, holding his wrist.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on me. "Since when were you two dating?" Frypan asked.

"A few months ago," I shakily answered.

"You lied to me," Brenda muttered.

The room sounded warm a bit ago, but it felt as if a cool breeze had entered the second Newt started yelling. And it was rattling my bones.


I was looking for Newt to see where he had gone and found myself exiting the building while tracing his footsteps, back to where I was sitting before everything had happened. I silently opened the door and silently closed it behind me.

And there he was. Sitting atop the roof with his legs dangling over the edge as he inspected his right wrist. "Newt?"

He looked over at me, then quickly looked away. "Hi, Y/N," He quietly muttered. My H/C hair whipped in the wind as I slowly walked over to him.

I sat down next to him while letting one leg dangle over the edge and let the other stay propped on the edge. 

"Newt, I, uh, I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"You don't have to apologize about anything, love. Especially when you didn't do anything."

He looked over at me while biting his lip, his eyes scanning over my face.

"I guess I can't hide this anymore," Newt said. He rolled up his sleeve and my heart stopped beating. Black and purple veins were spider webbing all across his arm, a sign that showed he had the Flare.

"Newt.." I muttered. I leaned over and let my right hand graze over his arm. It was as if I could feel the sickness radiating off of him.

Newt's left hand grabbed my right one and intertwined our fingers. We looked at each other and the tears started clouding my eyes. "You should've told me," I whispered.

"It wouldn't have made any difference," He replied. "All I know is that WICKED must've put me in that Maze for a reason. Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference between immunes like you and people like me."

"Newt, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I was on the verge of tears. How could Newt not have been immune but I was?

Newt chuckled. Not the chuckle you make when you think something's funny, but a chuckle you make when something so bad has happened it's funny.

"Don't worry about me. This is about Minho. You and Tommy as well. I want you two to have a future, and if it means that I won't be in it then that's okay."

"No. It's not okay."

I stood up and walked backwards, my hand covering my mouth to try to not cry. Not in front of Newt.

"If Thomas and I are going to have a future after all of this then I want you in it! You're my best friend, Newt, and I need you with me. Please, don't say things like that." I shakily whispered the last part.

Newt walked over to me with a comforting smile. Only a smile that a best friend would give. "It's okay," He whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried into his chest. Newt pulled away from the hug and cupped my cheeks with his hands, kissing my forehead. I rested my hands on his chest and closed my eyes.

Maybe everything will be okay, I thought to myself. Little did I know, it wouldn't be.

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