Chapter 29: Teresa dies and I read Newt's letter

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I eventually got out of the hard and stiff bed and exited the room. I stood in the cockpit of the Berg and looked out the large window, standing beside Jorge.

The city was ignited in flames and people were running around, trying to escape the chaos. Bullets were fired, buildings collapsed, embers whirled in the air, people died. Countless people died.

I saw the WICKED facility and pointed to it. "There!" Jorge sped up toward the burning building. I turned away from the window and exited the cockpit.

I jogged over to the gate of the Berg and saw Frypan, Gally, Brenda, Vince, and Minho all talking. The gate suddenly started to lower and there stood Thomas and Teresa.

Thomas couldn't stand on his own. I noticed a large wound in his abdomen and assumed it was a bullet. It still sent a shockwave of fear down my body.

The flames were inching closer and closer, crawling to consume the two survivors. I sat on my hands and knees and reached my hand out for one of them to grab.

The distance between the building and the Berg had just enough space for someone to jump onto and land safely. I hoped that was the case, at least.

"Thomas! Jump! Take my hand!" I screamed. Teresa readied Thomas and she threw him onto the gate of the Berg. Minho, Vince and I pulled Thomas into the Berg safely.

I reached my hand out for Teresa to take. Even though I wanted her to die, I knew the right thing to do was to save her. We all wanted as many people with us as possible. I didn't wanna carry any more guilt than I already did. It was worth a shot to try, right?

Flames almost entirely engulfed the level of the building. It finally reached its breaking point. The building collapsed into debris and flames and Teresa fell down with it.

"No!" Thomas screamed. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. Teresa fell without saying a single word, and a small piece of me thought it should've been me instead of her.

I looked over at Thomas. He seemed to be completely devoid of life. Now I felt extremely guilty. So many people he cared for and loved had died, right in front of him.

I looked down at his stomach. Crimson liquid oozed from the wound and dripped down his body.

He was carried to another room and I followed him as Jorge flew the Berg away from The Last City. I didn't care where we were going. As long as we were away from WICKED.

I was kept out of the room Thomas was being taken care of in and leaned against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest. I felt numb inside. Newt and Teresa had died. WICKED was destroyed. Where would we go? Home? What even was our home?

All the breath was devoid from my lungs and ceased to exist. My body was cold. Though I knew Thomas felt way worse. He was closer to Newt and Teresa than I was and knew them better than me. So why did I feel so sad about their deaths?

Minho crouched down next to me. I didn't have the energy to look at him. A few tears leaked down my eyes and rested on my cheeks. "Don't cry," Minho muttered.

I rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I breathed in deeply and tried to let go and forget about everything. Sleep quickly consumed me.


I awoke to the creaking of a door opening. Light shined through the open door. I breathed in the morning air and slowly opened my eyes.

I looked around and noticed I was in a hut made of wood, and I was laying on a soft bed. "Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice.


I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked down and saw I was wearing a dark tank top and jean shorts.

I looked up and saw Thomas wearing a dark blue shirt and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, along with gray pants and brown boots. This was not the Berg and I was confused as to where I was.

"W-where are we? What happened?"

"WICKED is gone, Y/N," Thomas explained. "They're not gonna hurt us anymore. We're free. For real this time. We're on a beach of some sort, where we'll be safe."

Thomas crouched down next to the bed and looked into my E/C eyes. He leaned in and kissed my chapped lips. I kissed him back.

I pulled away and stood up. My hands flew to his neck and I ran my hands through his dark hair while he wrapped his arms around me tightly. His hands wandered my body and before the kiss could get too heated, Thomas pulled away.
"C'mon, let's go see everyone," He said. With that, we exited the hut and met everyone outside.


It was night time now. Vince threw a bonfire, which reminded me of Thomas's bonfire, and gave a speech about how this was Paradise and that we would rebuild society here.

A large stone stood on the beach where we would all carve the names of those we loved who died. Minho and I carved Newt's name.

Everyone was gathered around the fire, celebrating the new land and tried to forget the horrible memories. I was sitting alone thinking about everything. From coming up in the Box, to Teresa betraying everyone, to waking up that morning.

What really hurt me while thinking was Newt. Then I remembered. The necklace.

I ran out to my hut and slammed the door open. I searched every nook and cranny, and in the end found the necklace. The room was dark from the night so I lit a small candle, bearing just enough light to see what the necklace was. After all, I didn't get a very good chance to look at it when Newt gave it to me.

I was twirling it between my fingers, inspecting it when I noticed. Something is inside of it.

I carefully took apart the side of the necklace and out came a small rolled up paper. I unraveled it and noticed it had words all over it. It was a letter. From Newt. To me. Tears immediately welled up in my eyes and made my vision blurry.

I blinked them away and began to read.

Dear Y/N, this is the first letter I can remember writing. Honestly I don't know if I wrote any before the Maze, but even if it's not my first, it's likely to be my last. 
I want you to know that I'm not scared. Well not of dying anyway, it's more forgetting. It's losing myself to this virus, that's what scares me. 
So every night I've been saying their names out loud: Alby, Winston, Chuck. And I just repeat them over and over like a prayer, and it all comes flooding back. 
Just the little things, like when the sun used to hit the Glade in that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls. And I remember the taste of Frypan's stew. I never thought I'd miss that stuff so much. 
And I remember you. 
I remember you were the first girl, just a scared little she-bean who so badly wanted to defend herself. And from that moment I held you in my arms on the hill I knew that I loved you. And I have. I always have. 
I know you love Tommy and he loves you more than anything, but I love you. I've never felt this way before for anyone but you're special to me. 
I love you, Y/N. 
I won't stop loving you until my dying breath. Not even then will I stop. If I could do it all over again I would, and I wouldn't change a thing. And my hope for you, is that you'll be able to look back years from now and say the same. 
The future's in your hands now, N/N. And I know you'll find a way to do what's right. You always have. Take care of everyone for me. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy.
Thank you for being my friend.
Goodbye, love.


Tears were spilling down my face and there was nothing I could do to stop them. A soft knock came from my door. I wiped my tears away as quickly as I could but they kept coming. The door opened, and there stood Thomas.

He zoomed over to the bed and sat beside me. He pulled me into a loving hug and rested his chin on my head. A warm feeling rose in the pit of my stomach and a small smile tugged at my lips.

"I miss him already," I whispered into Thomas's chest. "I do too," He replied. "I do too." Life was going to be difficult, but I knew Thomas was there for me. And I then knew that Newt always had, too.

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