Chapter 30: I let go of the past

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Years later

I watched them play on the beach together as the two of them made a sand castle that kept getting washed away by the ocean water. It'd been almost four years since everything had happened. Since Newt's death, since Teresa's death, since WICKED was destroyed, since we made it to Paradise.

Thomas and I managed to break through our depressions together. He proposed to me after a few months, and of course I said yes. Everyone thought we were too young to get married but did that stop us? Nope.

Soon after our wedding, I got pregnant with our son, Tyler, who was making a sand castle with Thomas on the beach. After a few years, we had another child. A little girl named Mackenzie. She was only a baby so she was asleep in her bedroom while I was making dinner inside our house. You might be wondering what had happened to all of our friends, right?

Well, Minho started dating Sonya, Gally started dating and was currently engaged to Brenda, and Frypan....Well, he said he was, "Single and happy." I learned a little while later that Margaret was killed during the attack on WICKED.

But being with Thomas and starting a family had never made me happier. Tyler was a little combination of Thomas and I. He had Thomas's chocolate brown eyes but my H/C hair. He had my sassy and stubborn attitude but had Thomas's love and care for others.

Mackenzie was the baby version of me. She looked exactly like me and even though she was so young, still held a sarcastic look on her face, like me.

Tyler definitely had my humor, which Thomas argued that he got from himself. I didn't believe him. Mackenzie was still too young to even talk so we had yet to decipher her sense of humor and if she even had one.

I set up the dinner table and stepped outside. "Thomas! Tyler! Dinner's ready!"

Thomas and Tyler stood up and Tyler raced over as fast as he possibly could. Tyler definitely got his speed from Thomas. He used to be a Runner, after all.

Tyler leaped into his seat at the table while Thomas trotted over. He gave me a small peck on the lips and entered the house. We all sat down for dinner and had a nice meal, which was corn and mashed potatoes.

Tyler practically engulfed his food. Somehow he managed to do it with a smile on his face, a smile that Thomas argued looked exactly like mine.

I put our dirty dishes in the sink when we finished eating; Thomas and Tyler were playing upstairs. I noticed the soft sunset setting below the sea. It calmed me, in some way. {Picture below}

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Tyler had brushed his teeth and gotten ready for bed. Thomas and I tucked him under his sheets and told him a bedtime story of when Thomas and I first started meeting each other. Those were Tyler's favorite stories.

"...Newt started looking for me. Mom dashed away into the Deadheads just as Newt found me," Thomas explained. Tyler was very interested, and I quietly chuckled at his intrigued face.

"What did you tell Newt?" Tyler asked.

"I told him I saw a Beetle Blade, the creatures that spied on us in the Maze."

Thomas slowly inched closer to Tyler, who had the sheet tucked up to his chin. "But you better be careful because they might....Tickle you!" Thomas started tickling Tyler who was laughing and giggling and squirming, trying to get out of Thomas's grip.

He eventually let go as Tyler gasped for breath. Thomas's lips were curved upward in a soft grin. "Goodnight, Tyler."

I kissed Tyler's forehead and stood up, making my way to the door. I blew the candle out and closed the door. Tyler was almost four years old and he wasn't even scared of the dark.

Thomas and I made it to the living room and sat down on the couch. He wrapped his right arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest, sighing contently.

"I'm so lucky to have you, to have Tyler, to have everything," I said.

"Same here, N/N." Thomas kissed my head.

I was so happy to have everything I did and to let go of the horrible past.

Let go of The Silent, Lonely Girl.

Let go of The Strong, Surviving Girl.

Let go of The Brave, Daring girl.

I was Y/N. And that was all I needed to be. For my friends. For my family. For myself.

The Brave, Daring Girl ~ Thomas X Female!reader X NewtWhere stories live. Discover now