Chapter 23: Minho is thankfully alive

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The three guards, Gally, and I all ran toward the WICKED facility, where Thomas had supposedly "Escaped with one of the subjects." I guessed that the subject he escaped with was Minho, and the person who helped him was Newt.

We were running with our guard outfits on and Launchers in hand. I didn't wanna hurt any of my friends, and I bet that Gally didn't either. The plan was to break into WICKED without being noticed, find Minho and the other immunes, get them to Brenda, and get out of there.

Minho not being where he should've been was not the plan at all, and now Gally and I might've been forced to shoot our friends who did nothing wrong and were just doing the right thing.

The stars shone brightly up in the sky and the moon seemed to ignite throughout the darkness. Lights from live buildings lit up the city, but I was sure chaos still reigned in WICKED.

My question was quickly answered when I heard one of the three guards begin to speak. "Get on the ground and put your hands above your head!"

The rest of the guards, including Gally, had their guns aimed at a drenched Thomas, Newt, and Minho. Newt's face was pale and his eyes were dark and sunken in, not like the Newt I used to know. Gally was right. I aimed my Launcher at the three, but in my peripheral vision in the sky I noticed a broken window.

They must've jumped out of the window and landed in the pool. Bet it was Tom's idea.

In the blink of an eye, Gally shot one of the guards. I understood that we weren't going to actually shoot any of the guys so I shot the rest of the guards.

Thomas, Newt, and Minho seemed shocked. Gally and I took off our helmets and revealed our faces. "Hey guys," I breathlessly said.

Thomas ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm glad you're safe," I mumbled into Thomas's shoulder. Newt stood up and softly hugged me as well. Minho just stayed with his mouth slightly agape in shock.

I turned to look over at him and didn't really know what to do. We weren't the greatest of friends and if I was dead I didn't think he'd really care. I was betting he was shocked because Gally was alive.

I walked over to him and comfortingly smiled, flashing my teeth. His eyes scanned over my E/C ones, my S/C skin, my H/C hair, everything. "Hey Min."


"I know. I was surprised, too." I turned back to look at the three boys. "He should've been dead after what Thomas did," I turned back to face Minho, "but Gally's probably the strongest guy I-"

I was cut off when Minho pulled me into a strong hug. "Okay, I didn't expect that to happen," I managed to squeak out. Minho buried his face in my hair and I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm glad you're alive, Y/N," Minho whispered.

"Same here." He chuckled and pulled away.

"As sweet as watching you two become friends is, we should probably get out of here." Gally said. "He's right. We gotta go, Min."

I followed Newt, Gally and Thomas with Minho by my side. We had to get out of there as soon as possible. But that suddenly came to a halt, when an explosion rang out from one of the doors.

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