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"BAHAHA you look like such an idiot Mali" I said while practically dying of laughter. "Lee I look amazing and stop laughing it's not funny"
"You look like an idiot with my bra on your face" I said while trying to keep a straight face.

"I look super hot Lee, yk what take a couple of pics and post them on insta, I want people to see how fantastic I look." Malachi said while making funny poses which made you laugh even more.

"Yeah I don't want people to be able to see my bra's Mali, put it back" I said while getting off my bed and approaching him. "Yeah you don't want people seeing your huge.." Malachi paused and pretended he had big boobs and acting like a girl.

"Mali absolutely not put it back I'm serious.." I said while trying to make him see that I was upset even though I really wasn't. "Fine I'll put it back" he said while putting the bra back in my drawer.

"I just wanted to let you know that I took hundreds of pictures of you Mali" I said while smirking and wiggling my eyebrows. "No you didn't.." Malachi said while his face dropped. "Relax Mali you know I won't post these, they'll always be in my phone for safe keeping"

"Yeah safe keeping my butt" and we both burst out in laughter while flopping onto my bed we sighed and I took more pictures of us.


I huffed while looking at the pictures of me and Malachi. "Fucking asshole" I said while scrolling through the pictures. "What's wrong boo?" Ariana asked me while rubbing her hand on my thigh.

I sigh "I went into my gallery to look at the pics we took yesterday so I could post them on insta but I went too far back and I saw my pics with Malachi.." I said his name in a whisper but Ariana heard it.

"It's ok hun just keep him out of your head okay?" She said while giving me a small innocent smile. "Yeah I'm already over him anyway.. SOOO what do you wanna do?" I asked Ari with enthusiasm.

"I really wanna go for Starbies right now" She said while giving me puppy eyes. "Fine.. but we go to chick-fil-a after" I said while pointing my index finger at her. "OK DEAL!!" "Come on let's get a move on" I said while getting off the couch.

We got our coats and put our shoes on then got in my car and went to get Starbucks. We got our orders then drove to Chick-fil-a and got lunch. We then drove back home and threw ourselves on the couch while munching on Chick-fil-a.

"Ari.." I said in a quiet voice. "Yes boo?" She said while turning her head towards me. "Umm..I have some news.." "Oh" she said in a sad voice while dusting her hands "What is it?" She asked me showing full interest in what I had to say

"Ugh well I don't know how to put this but.. WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!!" "WAIT WHAT?!" Ari said while practically jumping off the couch. "Yeah I'm gonna audition for the lead role in a new tv series and the auditions are being held in Vegas then filming is done here in L.A" I said with a big smile.

"OH MY GOSH WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!! Wait do you're parents know?" "Yeah I told them last night they're away in Hawaii for business and from Hawaii they have to go to Ireland so I'm pretty much alone" "Don't worry you have me boo! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!! Wait when do we leave?"

"Uhh..we leave in three days" I said while taking a sip of my cola. "Oh well I have to tell my family and pack and say goodbye and.." I cut her off "Yes I know you have a lot to do sorry for telling you under short notice" "No no it's ok I just need to tell my family and get ready that's all" she said while rubbing my back.

"Ok so I'll clean up the mess and you can go tell your family kay Ari?" "Of course I'll go back home now" "Bye boo" I said while blowing a kiss to her" "Bye hun" she said while blowing the kiss back. "Oh by the way.." she said while poking her head through the door which caught my attention "I'm telling my mom you're coming over for dinner" "Oh okay byee"
I Said while waving to her and she shut the door and drove off.

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