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"Ugh finally we landed" Girl 2 said while getting off the jet. "I have not missed this place" Girl 1 said while starting to walk beside Girl 2.

They got everything checked out and got into their car. "So where are we staying" Girl 1 asked. "We'll be staying in one of my parents estates" Girl 2 replied bluntly.

Girl 1 responded with a hmm and looked out the window to see the LA view at night which was more beautiful than she remembered.


"Ugh finally we're done unpacking" Girl 2 said while sighing and sitting on her bed.

"That was so exhausting" Girl 1 said while laying down on the floor and breathing out a heavy sigh.

"We have GOT to get helpers before we continue with our plan" Girl 2 said while getting her laptop and looking for helpers.

"Yeah good idea I'm gonna go shower and go to sleep" Girl 1 said while walking out of the room and closing the door.


It was 2am and I suddenly woke up. I sighed and tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I sat up and got my phone.

I know it wasn't the most effective way of trying to fall asleep, but hey it wouldn't kill me now would it?

I went onto Instagram and interacted with fans for about 45 minutes. I then started scrolling through Instagram liking a few funny posts here and there.

But then I came across not something someONE. My hands started shaking as I looked at the picture.

I read the caption and it said

'Happy to be back in LA!!'

I felt myself begin to sweat. No no no this can't be's not possible. What is SHE doing back here.

I fucking hate her with everything that I have within me. Just seeing her makes me feel enraged in ways that I couldn't even think were possible.

The fear I had quickly got replaced by anger. "That bitch is back?" I muttered under my breath.

I threw my phone across the room and started heavily breathing and I flew into rage. I got off my bed and picked my phone up.

I got out of my room storming down the stairs with literal smoke coming out of my ears. I picked up a bat and went outside.

I got onto the street and saw some garbage cans and bottles and I immediately started swinging.

I swung and swung and swung while screaming my lungs out. "THAT FUCKING BITCH HOW DARE SHE COME BACK HERE?!" I screamed while smashing a bottle onto the floor.

I continued smashing everything that came into my way until I had nothing to smash anymore.

My hair was a mess, I was breathing so heavily I swear I almost passed out and I wiped some sweat off my forehead.

I threw the bat onto the floor and tried to regulate my breathing. I eventually calmed down and went back inside.

I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water to try and cool myself down because I was feeling very hot.

After drinking the water I just stood in my kitchen remembering all the horrible ways she made me suffer.

I told myself it will be alright and I headed upstairs. I got back into bed and tried to go to sleep.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I really didn't get that much sleep but it's ok. I looked at the time and it was 7:09am.

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