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Girl 2 sighed getting on her private jet and sitting down, Girl 1 following close behind her copied her actions.

Girl 2: Ugh I can't believe I'm going back to LA

Girl 1: Yeah well if you want your plan to work then you have to go

Girl 2: Ugh but I don't want to go there I hate that place it's full of ugo's and fake ass bitches

Girl 2 crossed her arms and let out a frustrated huff

Girl 1: Stop being a bitch about this and do what you want to fucking do or maybe we could get off the jet and go back home.

Girl 2: Fine.. the only thing keeping me going is being able to crush Talia and Malachi all over again

Girl 2 let out a sigh of relief and smirked while sipping on a mocktail.

Girl 1: You are such a badass

Girl 1 and Girl 2 exchanged Looks and smirked at eachother.

Girl 2: We're gonna fucking rock their worlds all over again and it's going to be even more fun than the first time

They high-fived and kept smirking at eachother

Girl 1: So what's the plan girl?

Girl 2: Oh you'll see.....They'll ALL see


Talia said her goodbyes to the camera

"I'll upload that later" she said, "HAH?" Ariana screamed. "I said I'll upload it later" Talia repeated. " SAY WHAT NOW?" Ariana screamed again.

Talia sighed and removed the headphones from Ariana and screamed in her ear "I SAID I'LL UPLOAD IT LATER" Ariana immediately covered her ears.

"You bitch was there a reason to do that?" Ariana asked while playfully hitting Talia. "Sorry you couldn't hear me so.." Talia said as a way of excusing her actions.

Ariana sighed and just sat on the countertop. "Ok I'm gonna pack these cookies up and we'll take them over to the Barton house" Talia said while getting jar for the cookies.

Millie walked into the kitchen "Oh boy let me tell you it wasn't fun getting that tape off my mouth" She said while leaning against the counter.

Talia and Ariana just laughed, Millie took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the time. "Guys it's already 5:30pm we have to go" She said while putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Oh yeah you're right we do have to go" Ariana said while getting off the counter. "Ok I put the cookies in the jar let's head out" Talia said while grabbing her keys and heading out the door.

She waited for Ariana and Millie to walk out before she could lock the door. Talia got into her car to lead Ariana to the Barton house and they immediately drove off.

It wasn't really a long drive Malachi's house was only 25 minutes from Talia's and in no time you had arrived.

Talia's car roared as it parked on the sidewalk. Briana heard it and immediately rushed outside to see the trio getting out of the cars

"BARBIE!!" Briana screamed while rushing towards Talia and hugging her. "Hey Bri" Talia said while picking Briana up and carrying her on her back.

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