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I walked back into Ariana and Tyler's room and the minute I walked in Ariana and Talia turned their heads to me and Tyler. And gosh Talia looks so beautiful her hair, her eyes, her nose was so cute and gosh her lips looked absolutely kissable-

"Umm Malachi you're staring" Talia said to me while giving me a weird look. "Oh uh sorry I said, they turned their heads back to Talia's phone. "Dude are you drooling?" Tyler asked me "what no-I-uh" I said while stuttering "haha gotcha" he said while smiling. "Haha very Funny" I Said and rolled my eyes.

Suddenly Talia's phone rang "oh no.." she said "what is it" Ariana asked her "It's Bailey" she said while looking at all of us "Who?" I asked while making a weird face.

"It's her manager" Ariana said "WELL ANSWER IT" Tyler screamed "OK FINE" she said. "Hello?" She said into the phone but quickly put it on loud speaker so we could hear. "Smart" Ariana whispered.

Umm did you see everything that happened??

Yeah I did and I'm so sorry

Bailey sighs

It's ok I'm sure the situation will blow over or something, but I have to call the production company and tell them about the situation and make sure you don't lose you spot in the audition

Oh ok Thank you so much Bailey

No problem Talia

•Call ends•

"I really need to clear my head" Talia said while rubbing her temples. "Let's go to a Fair?" I suggested "OH MY GOSH YES!! I've been wanting to go to one for a while" Talia said while jumping off the bed.

"Ooh then we can go to the skate park!!" Tyler said. But then Talia got quiet "uhh sure yeah we could go" she said in a quiet tone. "What's wrong" Ariana asked "the dream" Talia whispered but Tyler and I still heard.

"Oh yeah.." Ariana said "but I won't let some silly dream affect me.. yeah we'll go to the skate park but I wanna go shopping first!!" She said while jumping. "Come on let's gooo!!!" She said with a huge smile on her face. I just laughed at her cuteness and we all left to go the mall.

A/n: This is quite a short chapter but wtv I didn't really have any ideas of this chapter😭

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