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We all arrived at the amusement park and we went on every ride possible. We dragged the boys everywhere and they were clearly getting tired.

"Where should we go now?" Ariana asked while holding onto my arm. "I don't know" I replied. Millie gasped "Let's go over there!!" She said with a smile and we dragged groaning boys behind us.

We got to the ride and waited in line. "Oh this ride we have to go in pairs" Luca pointed out to everyone. "Oh you're right.." Tyler said.

Millie and I turned to eachother and grinned. We scooted closer to eachother and started whispering.

"I totes think Ari and Ty should ride together" I said and Millie agreed. "I knowww I totally ship them" She said to me.

We grinned and started talking about how great of a couple Ariana and Tyler would make. "They would definitely buy a two story home with a pool and a huge backyard" I said and Millie agreed.

"And they would own a dog and have two kids" Millie said which completed our delusional fantasy of Ariana and Tyler.

We got snapped back to reality by Noah who screamed in our ears "YOU GUYS?!" He screamed and we immediately covered our ears.

"Oww dude" Millie said in an annoyed voice "The fuck is your problem"  I said while rolling my eyes.

"I've been calling you guys for like 2 minutes while you were whispering and giggling" Noah said while crossing his arms. "Oh and btw we're next on the ride" Malachi said to us.

It was our turn on the ride and we got in pairs. I went with Malachi and Ariana tried to go with Millie but Millie hurried over to Luca and went with him.

Ariana sighed and rolled her eyes and started walking to Noah, I quickly looked at Noah and winked at him to let him know that he should let Ari ride with Tyler.

Noah immediately got into the ride with a random girl and they immediately started making small talk.

Ariana rolled her eyes and turned around and saw Tyler. "I guess we have to ride together" Tyler said to her. "Yeah Whatever" She said and got into the ride with him.

Millie who was sitting behind me with Luca called my name. I turned around and she began smiling and signaled for me to look over.

I looked over and saw Ariana and Tyler talking to eachother, it was a bit of an argument but then they started play fighting with eachother and I saw them smile at eachother.

I immediately smiled as well and said "Phase 1 complete, we'll have to discuss phase 2 after this" Millie agreed.

Immediately we were met with confused looks from Luca and Malachi. Millie and I explained to them how we were trying to get Ariana and Tyler to get closer with eachother and they were immediately on board.

I sat properly and looked ahead, Noah was sitting infront of Malachi and I and we saw him smiling and laughing with a random girl.

Malachi and I smiled at eachother and then told Millie and Luca to look and they immediately smiled as well.

The ride operator began and count down and when the count down ended we blasted off.

A few minutes later we all got off the ride while smiling and laughing. "WOO THAT WAS AMAZING!!" Millie squealed.


We all held hands and jumped around in a circle. We stopped after running out of breath. Noah then walked over to us with the girl he sat next to on the ride.

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