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"OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO FUN!!" I said while wearing a huge smile on my face and turning to Ari. "I KNOW RIGHTT ESPECIALLY THE PART WHERE MALACHI AND TYLER MADE US SIT IN SHOPPING CARTS AND HAD A RACE IN THE STORE" Ariana said while laughing crying.

"Yeah it wasn't much fun when security caught us and kicked us out tho" Malachi said while chuckling. "Yeah but we all know Ari and I won the race" Tyler said while pulling Ariana closer to him and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"No wayyy Talia and I for sure won that race" Malachi said while pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arm around my waist. I got surprised a bit but Tyler and Malachi didn't notice because they were bickering.

I looked at Ariana who was standing across from me and I saw her give me a weird look with a huge grin, she then winked at me and signaled to Malachi's hand around my waist.

I mouthed "shut up" to her and rolled my eyes, but I won't lie when I felt his hand go around my waist my stomach did a bunch of backflips and I- "stop it Talia" I mentally told myself.

In the corner of my eye I saw Ariana smirking and I turned to her in confusion. She pulled out her phone and started typing something, a few seconds later my phone received a text.

It was a picture of me smiling while Malachi was holding my waist, I immediately looked up from my phone and shot daggers at Ariana. I mouthed "delete that" to her and she mouthed back a "no way" to me.

I was a but anxious because if anyone saw that picture they would think that Malachi was holding on to my waist and I was smiling and looking up at him. Which made it seem like we were in love or something, but I wouldn't sound that bad- "TALIA" I said to myself in my head.

"Uhh guys let's just go to the Fair before it gets dark out" I said which made Tyler and Malachi stop bickering and we all started walking. I tried to get out of Malachi's grip but he pulled me closer to him.

Then we heard two people coughing, when we turned around it was Tyler and Ariana and they started taking a bunch of pictures. "Ok stop Ari it's not funny" I said while crossing my arms.

"Ooh Malachi come get yo gurl cuz she looks maddd" Tyler said in a sassy tone. "Dude stop what is your problem" Malachi said while glaring at Tyler. "Ok ok fine we'll stop" Ariana said while putting her phone in her pocket.

"Thank you" Malachi and I said at the same time and then immediately looked at eachother but then we heard a click and we turned around and saw Ariana and Tyler laughing while running away.

"HEY NOT COOL YOU IDIOTS!!" I said, I tried to run after them but Malachi pulled on my waist even harder "Oww" I said. "Sorry, but let them be because they kinda look cute together" He said while looking at Ariana and Tyler laughing together.

"You know what you're actually right" I said while turning my head towards him "I know I am" he said with pride. "Ughh shut up" I said while rolling my eyes and we walked towards Tyler and Ariana then headed to the fair.

A/N: Would Tyler and Ariana make a good ship or nahh?

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