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Talia paced around her room trying to figure out what to do and how to calm down the situation. Malachi stood up and hugged Talia from behind while slowly kissing her neck, which helped her calm down a bit.

"I don't know what to do Mali" Talia said while sighing in frustration. "Don't stress yourself out mkay?" Malachi said to the girl while moving her hair away from her neck to kiss her more.

Talia sighs "I know but what's gonna happen like are we going to lose our roles,will we get fired or.." she got quiet all of a sudden when she felt him stop kissing her.

She heard the boy sigh behind her. "Talia look you need to relax a bit ok? I know we made a really big mess but it's ok we'll get through it together. Anyone who has anything to say I'll kill them" Talia giggled and Malachi smiled seeing he was getting through to her.

Malachi turned her around to face him. "It'll be us against the world no matter what, I love you Talia always and forever" Malachi said while staring into her deep brown eyes.

"Just being around you calms me down Mali because whenever I'm with you all is right in the world, I love you Malachi always and forever" Talia said while staring back into her boyfriend's eyes.

Malachi put his hands around her waist "I think I know something that will make you forget everything going on" Malachi said while pulling her closer to him.

"Oh yeah? What would that be?" Talia said while wrapping her arms around his neck. "This" he said before kissing her.

Talia quickly kissed him back and Malachi deepened the kiss making it more passionate with each second passing by. Talia wrapped the legs around Malachi and he sat on the bed.

He positioned himself so that Talia was sitting on his lap. The two ran out of breath and pulled away while staring deeply in eachother's eye. Talia ran her fingers through Malachi's hair and just stared at him as if she was hypnotized.

"You're so beautiful" Malachi said while tucking her hair behind her ear. He analyzed her for a while but he was focused on her neck.

"What are you staring at?" Talia asked him. "I'm just staring my creation" he said back to her. "Well you gave me too many yk?" Talia responsed. "Yeah I'm marking you to let people that you're mine and I'm not sharing you with ANYONE" Malachi said while kissing her neck.

"Mm don't give me any more hickeys" Talia said to him. "Well I can't promise that" Malachi said while trailing off her neck and moving to her lips and Talia just smiled.



I woke up and tried to get up but I felt two strong arms around my waist pull me back into bed. "You're not going anywhere" Malachi in a raspy voice and my gosh he sounded hot.

"But I have to get up Mali" I said into his chest "No not today" Malachi said with his eyes still closed. "Malachi please let me go we have to be on set soon" I looked up at him and lied just for him to let me go.

"Liar we don't go on set till 5pm today" Malachi said while opening his eyes and looking down at me. "Damn he caught me" I thought.

"Ok fine I'll stay" I said to him. "Mm good" he said while closing his eyes. I waited until he fell back asleep to get out of bed. A few minutes later I  heard some light snoring and I  took my chance.

I removed Malachi's hands from my waist and rolled to the edge of the bed,right when I was about to get up Malachi grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back in bed.

"I thought I told you not to get out of bed" he said while looking deep into my eyes. "Mali con on let's get up please" I begged him. "No stay" he said while laying on my chest.

"You can be such a baby sometimes" I said while running my fingers through his hair. "Mm I love you" Malachi said to me. "I love you too" I said while kissing his forehead.

I got a notification on my phone when I checked on it, it was a notification from Millie saying she was outside. I texted her back and said they could come and hang in our hotel room to which they agreed to.

A few minutes I heard knocking at the door. I texted Millie that there was a spare key under the statue and they came in.

"HEY GIRL" Millie screamed but I immediately shushed her and pointed to Malachi who was still asleep on my chest. "Oops sorry" Millie said.

"I'm taking a picture of this" Noah said while taking out his phone from his pocket. "Ugh Noah don't please" I said to him "I'm gonna post it on instagram" Noah said.

Malachi groaned and I shushed him while playing with his hair. "You guys are so cute together" Millie said with a smile and I smiled back.

"What should we do before going on set today?" Noah asked. "Hmm i don't know" Millie responsed. "Maybe ice skating" gI suggested while putting my hair up in a bun.

I caught Millie and Noah staring at me "Why are you guys staring at me?" I asked while putting my hair into a messy bun since a regular one wasn't working.

"Talia.." Noah said "Yeah?" I said "Did you and Malachi do anything last night??" Noah asked "Yeah we went live" I said to them while playing with Malachi's hair.

"No he doesn't mean in that way..he means did you know.." she paused and I waited for her to complete the sentence. "Do it" she said to me.

My eyes widened. "Eww what no of course not..why would you ask that" I said to them. "Because we can see hickeys on your neck" Noah said. "These are from the beach" I said to them.

"No.. there are fresh hickeys on your neck and we can tell they're new because they are still a bit red" Millie said to me, I sighed and said "Ugh Malachi is a fucking vampire I swear" I said while rubbing my temples.

"Well hes just...expressing his love to you" Millie said to me. "Can we just go ice skating" I said to them. "Yeah sure but wake up Malachi" Noah said.

"I was long awake" Malachi said while opening his eyes, he turned to me and said "Now what was that about me being a vampire?" He asked me while Millie and Noah burst out into laughter.

"Ok I'm sorry I was just...joking" I said hoping he would buy it. "I don't believe that..but let's go ice skating" he said

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment!! WE REACHED 300 reads OMDS Tysmmm i love you all❤️

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