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All of a sudden it got DEAD quiet in the hotel, it was as if all the busy cars outside and all the people had been paused and it was just you,Ari,Malachi and Tyler.

"Oh look who it is Mr Malachi how horrible it is to see you" Talia said while crossing her arms and looking at Malachi and Tyler with the fakest smile ever. "Funny for you to say that when you look like the hideous monsters under my bed" Malachi said while smirking. "Well there's obviously there's a reason they hide under your bed" Talia says while rolling her eyes at Malachi and she turned to the receptionist.

The receptionist looked very unpleased with the scene infront of him. "I'm so sorry about all this I promise it won't cause any problems here" Talia said with an innocent smile which was obviously done to charm the receptionist so that he wouldn't kick them out and it obviously worked.

"Oh uhh.." the receptionist said while stuttering "it's not big deal" the receptionist said while blushing. "Ok umm Miss Jackson you go to room 408 and Miss Greenblatt you go to room 407" the receptionist said while looking up from his computer and giving them the keys.

"Thank you so much" Ariana said to the receptionist. "Uhh Mr Barton you have to go to room 408 and Mr Jules you go to room 407" he said while smiling a bit Everyone's jaws dropped.

"WHAT?!" All four of them scream at the same time. "No no no no NO there has to be some kind of mistake I can't stay in the same room as HIM" Talia said while pointing at Malachi. "You're saying it like i wanna be in the same room with you as well" Malachi said while rolling his eyes and standing by the reception desk which was next to Talia and she moved to the side because she didn't wanna stand next to him.

"Uhh no there is no mistake this was specifically requested by the production company" the receptionist said while looking back and forth between Tyler,Malachi,Talia and Ariana.

"There's no way I'm sharing a room with this guy" Ariana said while pointing at Tyler with a disgusted look on her face. "Yeah and I'm not sharing a room with this guy" Talia said while pointing at Malachi. "Would you quit doing that it's so annoying" Malachi said while grabbing your hand and lowering it. "Eww don't touch me you weirdo" i said while wiping my hand with my shirt which made Malachi roll his eyes.

"Unless you want to be kicked out I suggest you all go to your assigned rooms" The receptionist said to them before they sighed in defeat and just walked off.

Everyone got off the elevators and started walking to find their rooms. You guys eventually find them and you and Malachi stand infront of your bedroom door then Ariana and Tyler stand infront of their bedroom door.

"Welp here we go" Ariana said while sighing. Talia quickly hugs Ariana and says "Mm i love you so much ok? And goodluck with that sad excuse for a human" Talia said while eyeing Tyler. Ariana and Talia parted ways and everyone went into their rooms and shut their doors.

"Woah" Talia says "This room looks amazing" She says. "Damn this isn't actually that bad" Malachi says while putting his bags on the floor. "Ugh my only problem is you" Talia says while rolling her eyes and sitting on the bed.

The room:

The room:

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