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I woke up and just layed in bed, I mean I wanted to get up but you just couldn't. My head was pounding and I held it in pain.

"Uhh fuck.." I groaned in pain while clutching my hair with my fingers. I had the worst headache ever.

I chuckled to myself remembering what Malachi did to me a few hours ago. The way he cutely ran to me and held my cheek with love.

His soft lips meeting mine before he ran off to his car leaving me stunned. I kept my cool and waved everyone goodbye as they left but once I got back into my room it went crazy.

I was jumping up and down and screaming with happiness, the same way anyone would do when their crush tells them they like them.

I felt so overjoyed and I kept replaying the moment in my head over and over again. I went to sleep with a peaceful mind but woke up with a mind blowing headache.

"It must be from all the crying yesterday" I said to myself then I groaned. I rolled over to my bedside table and checked the time, it was 7:53am.

I got up and made my bed. Once I was done I picked out an outfit to wear for the day and went to get ready.

The outfit:

I decided to not wear makeup today and just put on some lipgloss

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I decided to not wear makeup today and just put on some lipgloss. I quickly blew myself a kiss in the mirror and went downstairs.

I felt a bit light headed so all I ate was lucky charms. I grabbed my car keys and went out the door. I locked the house and went to my car.

I got in the car and I just a sat there I didn't know where to go. I just started my car and drove without a destination.

A few minutes later I stopped the car and somehow found myself at Malachi's house. I got out of my car and closed the door. I felt my head spin a bit so I stopped and leaned against my car.

"Ahh fuck.." I groaned as the pounding in my head got worse. I pulled myself together and went up to Malachi's door. I knocked three times and went in.

I found Felicia in the kitchen washing the dishes. I greeted her and she immediately stopped what she was doing and came to me.

"Aww hi hun" she said while hugging me and I hugged her back. "Hi Felicia" I Said to her while pulling away.

"How are you? Are you ok?" She asked me in a worried tone and I smiled at her "No I'm ok" I said to her. She sat me down on the couch.

"So uhh how are things between you and Malachi?" She asked me in a sad tone. "Oh uhh thinks are ok I'm guessing..we just rekindled things last night" I replied back to her.

"Oh well that's amazing I hope you guys will trust eachother just like how you did before" she said to me while rubbing my back and I smiled.

"Yeah I can tell that we're going to get through it together" I told her. She held my hand and told me Malachi was in his room. I thanked her and went up to his room.

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