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In Italy

"He seems very happy" Girl 1 says while scrolling through Malachi's instagram posts. "Well once I come back into his life there won't be any happiness" Girl 2 said while throwing a dart and it landed on the bullseye.

Girl 1 and Girl 2 just smirked at eachother and laughed knowing they were going to breakup Malachi and Talia up.

Back in Las Vegas

"Well that was fun" Talia said while licking her icecream. "Yeah except for the part where I fell" Noah said while rubbing the back of his head. "And you brought me down with you" Millie said while rubbing her head aswell.

Malachi and Talia just laughed. "There's like 5 more hours left till we go on set what do you wanna do?" Malachi asked everyone.

"Maybe laser tag?" Noah suggested. "Ooh yes that's perfect" Talia said. "Ok then let's go!!" Millie said while quickly eating her icecream before getting in her car.

At the laser tag arena


We were listening to the instructions being given to us. "You'll be split into groups of four and you get to pick what color team you'll be on have fun!" The instructor said.

"Guys let's be the red team" Noah said and everyone agreed. "Let's go snipe some dweebs" Millie said with a smirk before we all walked into the game room.

A/N: Hey everyone sorry this chapter is short I didn't have any ideas but don't forget to vote and comment!!

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