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I woke up and I looked down and immediately noticed Talia cuddling herself into my arms, I smiled and just stared at her.

I moved some hair away from her face so I could get a clear view of her and my goodness she looked beautiful.

"Well look who's staring now" Talia said while looking up and me and smiling. "Uhh.. no-I-uhh.. I wasn't staring" I said which was an obvious lie.

"You made fun of me and now I'm gonna make fun of you" she said while giggling. "Hey cut it out" I said to her while pretending to be mad. "Hmm nope" she said while rolling over and getting off the bed.


I got off the bed and turned to Malachi and he looked like an angry 5 year old. "Aww baby Mali is upset now is he?" I said in a baby voice which clearly irritated him and made me smile.

"Ok haha very funny Jackson" he said to me and I just laughed, I glanced at my phone to check the time and saw it was 6:45am. "Ok well I'm gonna take a shower now" I said while getting my things.

"No you're always shower first today it my turn" Malachi said while sitting up. "Uhh I don't care if I always shower first I'm going to shower first TODAY" I said in response.

"Uhh no you're not" Malachi said while getting off the bed. We both looked at the bathroom door then at eachother and we dashed for the bathroom door but of course Malachi got there first and shut the bathroom door.

"HAHA! I got in First!" Malachi said while in the bathroom. "Have fun showering while you don't have any clothes" I said mocking him from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Oh right.." he said and came out of the bathroom. "You better not go in there" he said while going to get his stuff. "Oh I will" I said and quickly got in the bathroom and locked the door.

I heard banging from the other side of the bathroom door followed by a lot of pleading from Malachi. "No Malachi I won't come out" I said while trying to stop laughing but it was really hard not to when a 16yr old was on the other side of the door and begging for you to open up the bathroom.

"Nooo Talia please open up I swear I'll do anything you ask me to" he said in a pleading voice, I snickered and said "Nope I'm not opening" I said while placing my stuff on the counter and getting in the shower.

I heard Malachi plead with me some more but once he heard the shower running, I heard him stop pleading and walk away and I assumed he sat on the bed. I just smiled to myself knowing I had won.

The outfit:

I was finished getting ready and I looked at myself in the mirror and blew a kiss to myself

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I was finished getting ready and I looked at myself in the mirror and blew a kiss to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and Malachi immediately went inside, before he shut the door he said "next time in putting up a fight" and he shut the door while I just laughed.

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