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"OH MY GOSH THE ARCADE WAS SO FUN!!" I said while walking with Millie,Noah and Malachi. "Oh my gosh yes it was!!" Noah said with a smile.

"I'm telling you people that,that basketball game was RIGGED" Millie said while crossing her arms, huffing and trying to look offended. "SEE I TOLD YOU GUYS!!" Malachi said too.

"Nahh it wasn't rigged y'all just sucked at the game" I said "Yeah at least I know how to drive" Malachi said while rolling his eyes and Millie and Noah then burst into laughter.

"Honestly Talia you can't drive to save your own butt" Millie said while still laughing "How did you even end up on the sidewalk" Noah asked while trying to contain his laughter.

"Well I'll have you know the best drivers are the ones that drive on the sidewalk to avoid causing car accidents" I said while flipping my hair. "Worst excuse I've ever heard" Malachi said while mumbling but everyone heard him which made Millie and Noah laugh even more.

"I'm gonna cut your hair at night" I said to Malachi while pointing at him. "NOO wait please I'm sorry" He said pleading me. "Nope I'm still gonna do it and nothing will change my mind" I said while smirking.

Malachi stayed quiet for a few seconds then said "How about I buy you food?" I looked at him and kept quiet. "Ooh you got her there" Millie said with a grin.

"Ok fine.." I said while sighing, "YEA!! I'm not gonna get my hair cut" Malachi said while smiling. "Ok but I pick what we eat" I said. "Sure" "whatever you want" Noah and Millie said.

"Hmm..I want sushi!!" I said with a huge smile "Oh well sushi it is then" Malachi said "Well come on we don't have all the time in the world let's go!!" I said while smiling and pulling Malachi.

Millie and Noah stayed back. "I swear if there's two aren't dating then they are probably gonna end up dating" Millie whispered to Noah "Yeah and have you seen all the Talachi posts on social media?" Noah whispered back.

"Yeah I have and woah Talachi has quite a huge fanbase I might add" Millie whispered to Noah "I won't lie I ship Talachi aswell" Noah Said while turning to Millie. "So do I!!" Millie said back to Noah.

"Umm are we going or nah?" I asked Millie and Noah and they quickly parted away from eachother seeing that I had caught them whispering to eachother. "Yeah yeah let's go" Millie said while putting her hand on my shoulder.

A/N: Well this is kinda a short chapter but I can't really think of any good ideas rn so yeah.. Also don't forget to vote for my book and give me your thoughts and opinions about it in the comments!!❤️❤️

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