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I was suddenly shaken awake and I sat up in confusion. I was even more confused when I woke up wet. I heard cheering and clapping around me for some odd reason.

"Eyy there she is!!" Malachi said "She's alive!!" Millie screamed. "Wh-what happened?" I asked while rubbing my eyes to help them adjust to the light.

"Jeez we thought you were dead" Noah blurted out and I sat there waiting for one of them to continue, Millie saw this and decided to continue explaining.

"You were asleep and we thought it was weird you weren't awake before us but we took the advantage and all got ready, when we were done you still weren't awake we gave you a few minutes and you STILL weren't awake. We yelled your name threw water in your face hence why your hair is wet but nothing worked. Malachi almost cried because we all thought you were dead so I stood beside you and started violently shaking you then you woke up" Millie explained to me.

I sat there just trying to process their stupidity "Well um..oh okayy.." I said not knowing what to say.

And I realized something "Wait Malachi almost cried?" I said while snickering. "Yeah he kept trying to say his goodbyes to you saying he'll miss you blah blah blah" Noah said.

I chuckled a bit, Malachi turned red "I thought we agreed that you'll never talk about that" He said while slightly punching Noah on the arm.

I sighed and grabbed my stuff to go they ready. "Oh yeah Talia" Millie called out to me "Yeah?" I asked "Try and get ready quicker we have to be on set all day till 12:30am" She said and I just nodded while walking into the bathroom.

Time skip:- After getting ready

The outfit:

I walked out of the bathroom and got my purse and other necessary things

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I walked out of the bathroom and got my purse and other necessary things. I sighed and said "I can't wait to get back to LA" "Yeah same" Millie said.

We all walked out of the hotel room and got in Millie's car. We were blasting Lana del ray and The Weeknd all though it was literally 7:19am.

We arrived at the studio and all went to our trailers. I got in but I didn't see Lauren inside.

"What the-" I got cut off by someone hugging me from behind. I turned around and it was Lauren. "Lauren Oh my gosh you scared me" I said while holding my chest.

"Mm sorry! It's just that this will be the last time I ever see you again because you all have to go to LA tomorrow" Lauren said with some tears in her eyes.

"Yeah I know I'm going to miss you so much!!" I said while hugging her. "Ok ok enough of all that emotional stuff" Lauren said while pulling away from the hug and sniffling.

"Time to get you all pretty!!" She said while sitting me down in the chair. She got her tools and started working on me.

Time skip:- 58 minutes later

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