Part 2

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You kept tossing and turning in your bed trying to fall asleep but it failed so you sat up and just stared at your wall, maybe that will make you feel sleepy.

You groaned seeing that staring at the wall made you feel awake even more. You mentally slapped yourself for the big dinner you had at Ari's house just a few hours ago.

"Ugh curse Mrs.Greenblatt and her tasty food"
You got out of bed and walked downstairs to get a glass of water. While you were down there it's like you saw a shadow move into your living room. "What the.. what is that?" The shadow moved once again but stopped once it noticed you.

You took a knife and switched on the living room lights and called out "I know something's here and I have a weapon so don't try anything funny" you said while waving the knife around and checking every inch and square of the living room but..nothing.

"Oh well that was a bit weird I guess I was just hallucinating.." you said while putting the knife back in the knife block and went upstairs. You shut the door and locked it for safety.

You glanced at your digital alarm clock at saw that it was 1am. "I should really get some sleep" you said to yourself while setting your cup of water on your nightstand and turned the lights off.

You sigh and closed your eyes and you drifted off to sleep


You woke up at 6am and walked to your bathroom to get ready. You've always had the ability to sleep at absurd hours and wake up very early between 4-7 am which is something your thankful for because even if you get little sleep you still have tons of energy.

You took a long shower, did your skincare, makeup and got dressed for the day

Your outfit:

"Damn I look hot" you said to yourself before blowing a kiss to yourself in the bathroom mirror and walk off

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"Damn I look hot" you said to yourself before blowing a kiss to yourself in the bathroom mirror and walk off. "Hmm I think I should text Ari to see what she's up to"

Honey boo bear😻💍

Hey pookie wookie🤭 u
awake rn? But I doubt
you are bc it's 8am

Honey boo bear😻💍
Heyy dookie poopie😋😋😋
Yeah I'm awake js making my
bed and I'm about to go take a
shower.. you coming over??

Yeah I'll come smookie🤰

Honey boo bear😻💍
Kay see you soon bae!!


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