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We all arrived at the mall and Millie and I immediately started dragging the boys to every store we laid eyes on. "Ooh Millie let's go to that store!!" I said while dragging a groaning Malachi behind me.

Millie and I stood outside the store, "Come on boys we don't have all day you know.." Millie said. "We're just gonna stay here" Noah said while sitting on the bench outside the store.

"Yeah but we'll carry your bags once you get out" Malachi said while sitting on the bench and sighing. "Ok baby thanks" I said while kissing his cheek and heading into the store with Millie.


The girls headed into the store while Noah and I sat outside. "Ugh dude my feet are killing me" Noah complained. "Yeah as last night when we played truth or dare with the girls and had to wear heels for 3 hours" I said while chuckling.

"Last night was pure torture" Noah said while slightly laughing and I just laughed along with him.

"Yo dude" Noah said which grabbed my attention. "Yeah?" I asked him "Your cheek bro" he said back. I took out my phone and looked at my cheek and saw there was a pinkish lipgloss kiss mark on it.

"Oh.." i just said "It's no big deal" i said again which ended my sentence. "You give her hickeys and she leaves you with kiss marks" Noah said while laughing and I just glared at him.


Millie and I were trying out different clothes to see what suited us best. I came out of the dressing room and Millie said "Mm i don't think blue is a good color the black dress was better" I nodded and tried out the black dress.

I came out and Millie looked amazed, "Damn girl you look gorgeous" She said while eyeing me. "Thank you, but it's your great fashion sense" i said with a smile.

We left the dressing rooms and went to pay for our stuff. "Hello" the cashier greeted us "Hi" Millie and I said in unison. "Will that be all?" The cashier asked us while we were pulling out the clothes from the shopping basket.

"Yes please" I responded, The cashier scanned all the items and asked "Cash or card" "Card" Millie said. I pulled out my card but was blocked by Millie's card which had already paid.

"Hey i was going to do that" i said to her with a small frown. "I know but I did it first" she said with a smile. "Fine but the next store I'm gonna be paying" i said while pointing my finger at her.

We got our things and headed out the store to the boys "We should go to-" I got cut off by Millie who grabbed my arm which made us stop walking.

"What is it" i asked her and she just pointed, i looked where she was pointing and I saw two girls sitting with Noah and Malachi. One girl was all over Noah and the other was all over Malachi.

My blood boiled but I couldn't do anything but just stare at them. The girl kept playing with Malachi's hair and I could hear her calling him things like "handsome and pretty boy".

I could obviously tell the boys were very uncomfortable. "Uhh..what is this?" The girl asked Malachi pointing to his cheek and I saw it was a kiss mark I left on him earlier.

I smirked and just watched her freak out. The girl stood up so did the other girl next to Noah and asked him again "What is that?" Malachi adjusted his position on the bench and said "Oh this? This is just a little something to show that I belong to someone" he smirked at the end and I felt proud.

"WHAT?! Who is she?" The girl screamed. "Oh what do you care it's not like i know you anyways you came up to me and started calling me names without MY consent, you touched me and when I told you to stop you continued anyway" He looked angry and I could see and vein popping up from his forehead.

I decided to step in and walked over to the boys "Hey Noah" i said while approaching the bench "Hey mi amor" i said while sitting on the bench next to Malachi. The girl was clearly angry and I saw Malachi smirk and he pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey gorgeous" He said while planting a soft kiss on my lips and i kissed back. I could see literal smoke coming out of the girls ears. She just groaned and walked away with the other girl following behind her.

"Ok now what was THAT about" i said while turning to look at him. "I'll tell you the story when we go to the next store" he said to me, "Okay so bags?" He asked me i gave them to him with a smile.

I got off his lap and said "Millie let's go to Versace i saw these cute heels while passing by" "To Versace!!" she while giggling.

I held Malachi's hand and I said "Ok so the story now?" He looked at me and said "Ok so Noah and I were.."

Time skip:- At the Versace store

"And that's when she stormed off" Malachi said while ending his story, "Well that's one hell of a story" Millie said "Agreed, people can be so weird Mills" i said to her.

"You boys are definitely coming with us this time I don't want people to be all over you guys" i said while dragging Malachi into the store with everyone laughing.

Millie and I got a few things and by a few I mean A LOT. "Ooh Mills these heels" i said while showing them to her, she looked amazed by them.

"GET THEM IN ALL THE COLORS!!" Millie squealed and I just smiled and got them and added them into the basket Malachi was holding for me and Millie put hers into the basket Noah was holding for her.

I gasped, "what is it?" Noah asked, "THOSE ROBES" i said in awe while approaching them and I heard Millie giggle behind me.

Time skip:- in the car (I'm so lazy)

I sighed and snuggled into Malachi's arms. "Are you ok baby?" I asked him seeing the dozens marks the shopping bags left on his arms.

"Yeah I'm ok mi amor" he said while kissing my forehead. I kissed his cheek and Millie started the car and drove us to set.

A/N: Welp I was a little lazy for this chapter but it's ok!! TYSM FOR 900 READS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH❤️❤️ don't forget to vote and comment!!

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