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I woke up and found Talia already dressed and scrolling on her phone she then realized I was awake and turned to me and said "Oh did I wake you up? I'm sorry" "Oh no no you didn't wake me up" I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Oh well you have to get ready rn because we have to go to set, the production team said we have to film the first 5 episodes of the show in Las Vegas" She said to me while putting her phone down and focusing her attention on me.

"Oh so we're gonna be here for quite a while.." I said while rubbing the beach of my neck. "Yeah..Millie and Noah are gonna pick us up so chop chop champion boy" She said while giggling.

I smiled at her then got up,got my stuff and went into the bathroom to get ready.

45 minutes later

"Come on Mali let's gooo,Noah and Millie are outside" Talia said while I was still putting on my shoes. "Yeah relax I'm just putting my shoes on" I said.

Knock knock

Talia went and opened the door and Ariana and Tyler were there. "Hiii" Ariana said while hugging Talia. "Heyyy boo" Talia said while hugging her back.

"Uhh guys we have something to tell you" Tyler said while scratching the nape of his neck. "Yeah sure what is it" I asked him. "Ariana and I have to go back to LA" he paused for a second "Today" he said ending the sentence.

"Oh.." I heard Talia said "Yeah but no worries you guys are gonna come to LA soon right?" Ariana said to us "Yeah of course we'll see you guys soon ok?" I said to them. We gave eachother a group hug and they left for LA.

"Alright let's go Millie and Noah are still waiting" Talia said to me. "Yeah yeah I know" I said back to her, we left the hotel room and she locked the door.


Talia and I got in the backseat of Millie's car. "Hey guyss" Talia said with a smile "Heyy" Millie said back in response. "Ugh finally you guys are here were you guys making out or something" Noah said and I could just feel him rolling his eyes.

"Yeah so what if we were?" Talia said in response "wait WHAT?!" Millie and Noah said in unison while turning to us. "Yeah we were definitely making out" Talia said in a 2000's American accent.

"Mm yeah did you know that Talia is an amazing kisser" I said "Eww no I did NOT need to know that" Noah said while pretending to gag. "Yeah what's the problem? I can't make out with my boyfriend now?" Talia said.

"I'm sorry boyfriend?!" Millie said "Yeah he's my boyfriend and we're gonna make out in your car" Talia said while putting her arms around me then winked. I got the message and I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

We then made kissy face at eachother then made kissing noises. Millie and Noah immediately looked away and Talia wanted to laugh but stopped herself. We continued to pretend kissing and Talia even made some fake moaning sounds. "UGH GET A ROOM YOU TWO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE" Noah said.

"Haha just kidding we weren't making out" I said while pulling away from Talia. "You guys are such babies" Talia said while laughing. "Oh yeah pretending to make out with your best friend in the backseat of MY car is totally fine and something to not overreact to" Millie said while rolling her eyes.

"Ok ok enough of that let's go to the studio now" Noah said and Millie started the car and drove to the studio.


We arrived at the studio and we had to go to our trailers for hair and makeup, I turned to Malachi and said "See you later baby" I said while wiggling my eyebrows and grinning just to let him know I was joking "Bye mami" he said back to me while blowing and kiss to me and I just smiled and walking away.

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