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I woke up but still had my eyes closed, I wiggled a bit to get more comfy but then I heard a groan and felt someone pull me closer to them and I felt hands wrapped around my waist.

I shot open my eyes and realized I WAS CUDDLING WITH MALACHI. Suddenly all the alarm bells in my head went off and I silently panicked. I wanted to wake him up and yell at him but at the same time I didn't want to disturb his sleep so I just let him be. Which was weird coming from me since I literally hate his guts.

Weirdly enough I caught myself staring at him and admiring his beautiful features. "SNAP OUT OF IT TALIA" I mentally told myself "YOURE NOT GONNA FALL FOR HIM, CMON YOURE KNOWN FOR GETTING GUYS TO FALL FOR YOUUU DONT FALL INTO HIS TRAP" I told myself trying to not think about the most angelic looking guy next to me.

I was still admiring him. His perfect nose, his eyes, his hair and his lips GOSH they look absolutely kissable- "STOP IT TALIA" you told yourself. You looked back at Malachi and you couldn't resist touching his hair.You smiled a bit remembering the days when you would style his hair in funny ways and post them on insta.

I immediately stopped touching his hair when I heard him groan because I was moving too much. I just continued to stare at him.

"You gonna keep staring orr.." He suddenly said out of nowhere with his eyes still closed. "Umm no I- uh- I wasn't staring at you, you weirdo" I said while trying to not show how nervous I was.

"Umm you've been staring at me for like ten minutes and I even felt you touch my hair and I heard you giggle" he said and he opened his eyes and looked down at me. "You were awake this whole time?" I asked him. "Yeah I woke up before and I didn't wanna wake you up so I just tried to call back asleep but I couldn't then you woke up like 2 minutes later" he said to me.

"Wait so THIS" I said while pointing at his arms around my waist "Is your doing ON PURPOSE" I said while smirking and almost laughing a bit. "Well no-I-uhh.." he said while stuttering.

"But you said that you woke up before me which means that you did this on purpose didn't you?" I asked him while feeling proud of the power I had in the moment. Malachi quickly released his arms from your waist and muttered a sorry.

I smiled then rolled my eyes and walked off into the bathroom.


"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING MALACHI, WHY DID YOU DO THAT??" I asked myself while on the balcony and looking like a crazy person talking to myself but I didn't care.

"YOU GUYS ARE ENEMIES REMEMBER? NOW STICK TO THAT!" I told myself and walked back into the hotel room.


I was in the bathroom and I wondered why on earth I "AdMiReD" MALACHI BARTON. MY FREAKIN ENEMY. I sighed and just took a shower but I quickly got lost in my thoughts and was just standing there while the shower was running.

Why did he cuddle me ON PURPOSE?
He also removed the barrier..
Why did he just let me do everything?
Are we even enemies at this point?
Does he wanna be friends?
Do I like him?

I quickly stopped at the last thought. "Damn I'm going crazy" I said to myself while getting ready. You got your outfit and put it on.

The outift:

"I look absolutely delicious" I said while putting on some lipgloss and blowing myself a kiss when I was done

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"I look absolutely delicious" I said while putting on some lipgloss and blowing myself a kiss when I was done.


You walked out of the bathroom to find an empty hotel room you shrugged and went on your phone to check the news about yesterday's situation.

"Oh no" you said while scrolling on your phone and looking at everything everyone has posted about you and Malachi.

#TALACHI was number on Trending Twitter topics. You literally gasped at all the things that fans said and did.

Talachi_tillidie: And Malachi walking out shirtless from the bathroom?!! I was on my knees fr..
Talachi..loverrr: I swear this is the best ship everrr

You sighed and put your phone down. You were happy to say the least. Not happy that you were being shipped with Malachi, ok maybe a little "STOP IT TALIA" You said to yourself. You were happy that there wasn't any hate being thrown at you two.

You sighed again took all your necessary stuff and put them into your purse then went to Ari and The snake's room.

A/n: Do you think Talachi will be end game?? Or will something happen and drive them and the fans crazy

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