A proper ending

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7 years later

After that night at the beach everything was perfect. My relationship with Malachi was going amazing. We got a house together and moved in.

I had a YouTube channel where I would post vlogs,videos and challenges with Malachi and my friends. It's safe to say that Malachi and I are definitely going to spend the rest of our live's with eachother.


"GIVE IT BACKKK!!" Malachi screamed while chasing after Luca. "No I wanna see what it is!!" Luca screamed back.

Malachi lunged at Luca and tackled him to the ground. The two boys were fighting for what seemed like forever.

Talia,Ariana and Millie came in. "HEYY WE'RE BACK FROM SHOPPING!!" Talia screamed. The girls halted seeing the two boys wrestling on the ground.

"What the-" Ariana got interrupted by Millie. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Millie screamed. She dropped her shopping bags and ran over to them.

Ariana and Talia looked at eachother then ran to them as well. Idk how but Millie managed to pull them apart.

She sat Luca on the couch "Are you ok?" She asked him. "Yeah babe I'm fine" He replied to her. Millie sighed but then gave Malachi an angry look.

Talia stepped infront of Malachi and looked at Millie. "Nuh-uh you DO NOT get the right to glare at him like that" Talia said in a stern voice.

Millie quickly looked away and focused back on Luca and Talia focused on Malachi. "What happened?!" Ariana screamed in confusion.

Malachi sighed "Luca went into our room and saw something he wasn't supposed to see.He took it and ran down the stairs with it and I tackled him then got it back" Malachi explained.

"I still didn't get to see what it was..all I saw was a-" Malachi ran over to Luca and out his hand over his mouth and muffled the next words coming out of his mouth.

"Ok now I'm curious what this 'thing' is" Talia said while putting air quotes over thing. "Yeah same here" Millie agreed with her.

"It's a-I-uh...you'll even find out" Malachi stuttered and he let go of Luca. "Ok now THAT has me curious..What did you see Luca?" Ariana asked him.

"It was a-" Malachi covered Luca's mouth again then made him stand up and go outside. The three girls rolled their eyes.

"I wanna know what it is!!" Talia screamed in frustration while throwing herself on the couch. Her friends sat down with her and sighed.

"Considering how secretive he's being it must be something huge like a wedding ring" Millie spit out. Talia whipped her head in her friends direction.

"A w-wedding r-ring?" Talia stuttered. "Yeah it makes sense actually...Luca saw something he wasn't supposed to see and Malachi is refusing to tell anyone what it is so it's probably and wedding ring" Ariana said.

Talia was shocked she knew that her and Malachi were gonna spend the rest of their lives together but THIS?!

I mean she knew at one point they were going to get married but she just wasn't ready for it.

"Yep it's for sure a wedding ring...you guys have been together for 8 years" Millie said. "You ok Lia?" Ariana asked a shocked Talia.

"Y-yeah I'm fine it's just that.." she paused. "I mean I knew that at some point we were gonna get married and I was ready for it but now that is a chance it might actually happen I'm so nervous" Talia vented to her friends.

"Don't worry girl when the moment arrives you'll be ready" Millie said while patting her back.

The door bell rung and the girls turned their heads to the door. Tyler walked in. "Hey Ty!!" Ariana smiled while getting off the couch.

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