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We all walked out of the laser tag arena with proud smirks on our faces,Malachi was holding my hand.

"We didn't put in that much effort and we still won" Millie said while walking beside Noah.

"I know right everyone was weak" Malachi said while smirking. "We absolutely obliterated everyone" I said while stopping infront of Millie's car and waiting for her to unlock it.

She unlocked the car and Malachi opened the car door for me. "Why thank you kind sir" I said to Malachi while getting in the back seat, "No problem m'lady" he said back to me and shut the door.

He got in the back seat and laid his head on my chest, I looked down at him and said. "You like doing this too much" I said while moving some hair from his forehead. "It's because they're really comfy like pillows" he said to me and I just blushed and looked away.

30 minutes later

We all arrived at the studio and started walking to our trailers,Malachi tapped my shoulder which made me look the other way and he gently grabbed my chin to make me face him.

"You look so beautiful mi amor" he said to me and I felt myself melt. I just stared into his beautiful eyes and he said.

"I'll see you after hair and makeup ok?" And I just nodded in response still hypnotized by his beauty. He pulled me by the waist and kissed me and I kissed back.

After a few seconds we pulled away and look at eachother. He quickly pecked me and he walked away.

Gosh why does he make me feel this wayyy, if only he knew what he made me feel like.

I walked to my trailer and was greeted by Lauren.

"Hi Talia" she said while hugging me. "Hii Laury" I said while hugging her back. "Ooh a new nickname I love it" she said while pulling away from the hug.

"Ok so take a seat and let's get you started" she to me while getting her hair and makeup tools ready. "Ok I was thinking maybe we could.."

58 minutes later

"Woah you look phenomenal" Lauren said to me "But it's all you Laury" I said back to her with a smile. We heard a knock at the door and I yelled "COME IN!!"

Malachi, Millie and Noah came in. "Hey girl" Millie said to me while sitting on the couch. "Hey Mills" I said while walking to the couch but someone hugged me from behind.

"Hey baby" Malachi said while turning me around to face him. I looked up at him and said "Hey sweetheart" "You look absolutely gorgeous" he said to me.

"Thank you Mali" I said with a smile, he leaned in to kiss me but was stopped by Lauren "ah ah ah ah ah.. NO KISSING" she said sternly. "What why?" Malachi asked her.

She pointed to my face and Malachi made an "Ohh" face. "Sorry baby" I said to him. "Here's your outfit go put it on" Lauren said while handing it to me, "oh ok" I said while walking into my dressing room.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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The hair:

The makeup:

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The makeup:

You came out of the dressing room and said "how do I look?" You asked "wow you look

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You came out of the dressing room and said "how do I look?" You asked "wow you look.." Lauren said but suddenly got quiet. "I look what?" I asked her.

"What is that?" She asked me "what is what?" I asked in confusion, Lauren took a step closer to me and I heard Malachi, Noah and Millie clearing the throats and pointing to their necks.

"Oh-I-uhh.." I said while covering my neck with my hands but Lauren removed them and she gasped at the sight. "HICKEYS?! REALLY TALIA?" She screamed but then stopped and sighed.

She observed them for a bit and said "it's gonna take about 20 minutes to cover those up" she said while looking at my neck. "Umm there's more.."I said while lifting up my shirt and revealing many more hickeys on my stomach and around my chest, Millie and Noah gasped.

Lauren turned to Malachi and said in a mono tone voice. "Really dude" "Sorry" he said while rubbing his neck. Lauren sighed and she looked through my closet and found a bralette then said.

"Go put it on and we'll try to cover those up" she said to me and I went into the dressing room to put it on.

The bralette:

The bralette:

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I came out of the dressing room "I've never seen so many hickeys before" Millie said and I just glared at her. "Ok sit down we have a lot of work to do" Lauren said.

28 minutes later

"Done" Lauren said while sighing and plopping onto the couch. I changed back into my proper outfit and said "Thank you so much Lauren you are truly a darling" "no problem" she responded back to me.

"Well let's go to set" Malachi said while holding my hand and walking out of the trailer.

A/N: Well that was chaotic.. I don't have anything to say for this one sooo.. thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!!

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