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"Oh no" Ariana said while giving me a sad look, i sigh and begin to tell her everything that happened in the dream. Us going to the skatepark,Malachi approaching us,me falling and bleeding EVERYTHING.

Ari just sat there and listened to me tell her everything and occasionally diverting off topic to complain about Malachi. I finished telling her everything and just looked at her dead I'm the eyes waiting to hear what she would say.

"Well that's a lot to take in.." She said while looking down. "Yeah I know.." i said while also looking down. We looked up at the same time and just looked at eachother before grinning and bursting out in laughter.

"Girl you have the WEIRDEST dreams" Ari said while dying of laughter. "I KNOW RIGHT" i said back to her while flopping onto a pillow. "Broo and the way he was all like OH PLEASE IM SORRY FOR EVERYTHING and you shut him down like get the hell out of my life" she mimicked me and Malachi's voices while saying that.

"Honestly it was so random..but anyway what time is it?" I asked. We both glanced at Ari's clock and realized it was already 8am.

"OH MY GOSH ITS 8am WE HAVE TO GET READY" i said while practically flying off the bed. "Relaxxx jeez i know you usually wake up between 4-7am but I'm guessing you need the extra rest because we're going to be on a boring flight in like 3 hours.." she said while making up the bed.

"3 HOURS?! Damn i have to get ready" i said while getting my stuff ready for a shower. "Damn why all panicky you know you can sleep on the plane right" Ari said while crossing her arms. "Ari you know my body physically won't let me sleep in the afternoon right?" I ask her even though she already knew.

"Yeah I know..i don't understand your body at all" she says while picking an outfit from her closet. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "Well your body won't physically let you sleep in the afternoon and you can sleep late and wake up early in the morning without getting tired HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO IT" she asked while throwing her arms up in the air.

"Idk how it just does ig.." i Said plainly. "Ugh i wish I had your superpower" she said while falling to the ground. I just laugh and go take a shower.

Your outfit:

"Damn i look good I look good I look delicious" i say while looking at myself in the mirror and adjusting my shades

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"Damn i look good I look good I look delicious" i say while looking at myself in the mirror and adjusting my shades. "Yess you look good now come one airport NOW" Ari says while pointing to the door. "Fine fine let's go" i say to her and I quickly blow myself a kiss before walking away which is something i always do.

(I'm super lazy and I'm sorry)

You guys arrive in Vegas and it looks absolutely beautiful. "Woah this place is amazing" Ariana says while looking out the window in the Uber. "Yeah I know RIGHT!!" I say while doing the exact same thing.

You guys arrive a t the hotel that the casting company booked for people auditioning for the show. "Oh my goodness this hotel SCREAMSS luxury" Ari says while admiring everything in the hotel. "Ok let's go check in" i say while walking to the reception.

"Hello welcome to Destiny Star Hotels how may i help you?" The receptionist asked while smiling at us. "Umm hi yes a room has been booked for us under Light Life Production?" I say to the receptionist. "Oh yes i see it right here you are.." The receptionist was cut off suddenly when we heard two people laughing like hyenas while walking into the hotel, all three of us look at the people and my face dropped.

"Oh it can't be.." i say while turning to Ari. "Well damn superpower number 2.. being able to predict the future.." Ari said in disbelief. The two people turned to us and stopped dead in their tracks when they realized it was us.

"Hello Talia Jackson"

"Hello Malachi Barton"

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